Sponger Configuration
While many Sponger cartridges generate Linked Data from standard open data formats, such as Atom, CSV and hCard, others extract the source data from proprietary Web services. Many of these services control access to their Web APIs, typically through an API key, username and password, OAuth access token and the like. To gain access to one of these Web services, the corresponding cartridge must be configured with the required authorization credentials.
These and other cartridge settings should be configured by your Virtuoso administrator before the cartridge is used.
They are set through the cartridge's configuration panel (shown below) which is displayed on the 'Sponger' tab of Virtuoso's Conductor UI, under the 'RDF' tab. Clicking on one of the listed cartridges displays the settings for that cartridge.
![[Sponger UI cartridge configuration panel]](skin/i/cartridge_config.jpg)
The 'Options' field takes entries in the form of key-value pairs. The required options and/or API keys will vary from cartridge to cartridge. These are detailed in the table opposite. Some cartridges may function without authorization credentials, but the amount of data extracted will be limited as a consequence. Mandatory configuration options are marked with an asterisk.
Cartridge Prerequisites
Options which must be configured for each cartridge prior to use are listed below.
Mandatory options are marked *