Q: Using a code-block for output, generate entity descriptions using RDF-Turtle from the data table that follows, using the following guidelines
1. Use terms from Schema.org
1. Denote subjects and objects using hash-based hyperlinks
1. Use the value from the Home Page column to the @base value for each Product description
1. Place `## Turtle Start ##` and `## Turtle End ##` around the code within the code-block
1. Describe the first three product, product features, and associated offer combinations
1. Derive product features from the Features column
1. Associate each product description with https://www.theinformation.com/articles/how-meta-verified-compares-to-other-social-subscriptions using a schema:relatedLink attribute
`## Markdown Start ##`
|Home Page|Subscription|Monthly Price (USD)|Launch Month|Launch Year|Features|
|https://about.meta.com/technologies/meta-verified|Meta Verified|11.99|March|2023|Blue Badge, Impersonation Protection, Direct Customer Support|
|https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-blue|Twitter Blue|8.00|November|2022|Blue Verification Badge, Longer Video Uploads, Tweet Editing, Ad Free News Articles|
|https://help.snapchat.com/hc/en-us/articles/7121577610900-What-is-Snapchat-|Snapchat+|3.99|June|2022|Longer Story Expiration, Custom Notification Sounds, Camera Color Borders, Access to Content Rewatch Count|
|https://www.reddit.com/premium|Reddit Premium|5.99|October|2018|Ad Free, Exclusive Avatar Gear, Member-Exclusive Subreddit, Custom App Icons|
|https://discord.com/blog/introducing-discord-nitro-basic|Discord Nitro Basic|2.99|January|2017|Custom Emojis, Larger File Uploads, Exclusive Nitro Badge|
|https://www.youtube.com/premium|YouTube Premium|11.99|October|2015|Ad Free and Background Play, Video Downloads, Access to YouTube Music Premium|
|https://premium.linkedin.com/|LinkedIn Premium |29.99|August|2005|Private Browsing, Free Direct Messaging, Profile Views, Advanced Search|
`## Markdown End ##`
Sure, here is the code-block for output, generating entity descriptions using RDF-Turtle from the data table that follows, using the following guidelines:
## Turtle Start ##
@base .
a schema:Product ;
schema:name "Meta Verified" ;
schema:price "11.99"^^xsd:float ;
schema:launchDate "2023-03-01" ;
schema:description "Establish your presence on Instagram and Facebook with Meta Verified. Get verification with a valid photo ID, proactive account protection, access to direct account support and more. Features may vary by region." ;
schema:offers [
a schema:Offer ;
schema:price "11.99"^^xsd:float ;
schema:description "Monthly subscription" ;
] ;
schema:hasFeature [
a schema:Feature ;
schema:name "Blue Badge" ;
schema:description "A verified badge that confirms you're the real you."
] ;
schema:hasFeature [
a schema:Feature ;
schema:name "Impersonation Protection" ;
schema:description "Proactive account monitoring for impersonators who might target people with growing online audiences."
] ;
schema:hasFeature [
a schema:Feature ;
schema:name "Direct Customer Support" ;
schema:description "Access to direct account support from Meta."
] .
## Turtle End ##
# Observation
This answer is incorrect as it only describes 1 rather than 3 Product, Features, and Offers combinations. Subsequent prompts replicate this error.