Prompt 1: Can you describe the Product, Offers, and Product features in using a table? Prompt 2: Using an output code-block, create an RDF-Turtle rendition of the Table using terms from and relative hash-based hyperlinks for subject and object denotation. ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . <#XChair> a schema:Product ; schema:name "X-Chair X-Tech" ; schema:productID "XTECH" ; schema:productType "Ergonomic office chair" ; schema:description "An ergonomic office chair designed for customizable comfort and optimal support throughout the day." ; schema:offers <#Offer> ; schema:color "Black" ; schema:color "Navy Blue" ; schema:color "Wine Red" ; schema:color "Olive Green" ; schema:color "Sand" ; schema:isRelatedTo <#DVL>, <#AdjustableHeadrest>, <#AdjustableArmrests>, <#AdvancedTiltTension>, <#KSportMaterial>, <#SciFloatRecline>, <#AdjustableSeat> ; schema:weight <#Weight> ; schema:material <#KSportMaterial> ; schema:width <#Width> ; schema:depth <#Depth> ; schema:height <#Height> . <#Offer> a schema:Offer ; schema:eligibleRegion <#EligibleRegion> ; schema:price <#Price> ; schema:availability "" ; schema:deliveryLeadTime <#DeliveryTime> ; schema:warranty <#Warranty> ; schema:seller <#Seller> . <#EligibleRegion> a schema:DeliveryChargeSpecification ; schema:appliesToDeliveryMethod <#DeliveryMethod> ; schema:eligibleRegion "US" ; schema:price "0.00" . <#Price> a schema:UnitPriceSpecification ; schema:price "1149.00" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" . <#DeliveryTime> a schema:ShippingDeliveryTime ; schema:transitTime "P2D-P7D" . <#Warranty> a schema:WarrantyPromise ; schema:duration "P15Y" . <#Seller> a schema:Organization ; schema:name "X-Chair" ; schema:url "" ; schema:sameAs "" ; schema:sameAs "" ; schema:sameAs "" . <#DVL> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Dynamic Variable Lumbar (DVL) support" ; schema:value "Automatically adjusts to your body shape and movements." . <#AdjustableHeadrest> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Adjustable headrest" ; schema:value "Customizable comfort for your head and neck." . <#AdjustableArmrests> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Adjustable armrests" ; schema:value "Customizable comfort for your arms and shoulders." . <#AdvancedTiltTension> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Advanced Tilt Tension" ; schema:value "Adjusts to your body weight and provides optimal support throughout the day." . <#KSportMaterial> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "K-Sport Advanced Performance Material" ; schema:value "Durable, breathable, and easy to clean." . <#SciFloatRecline> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "SciFloat Infinite Recline" ; schema:value "Allows for continuous support while you move." . <#AdjustableSeat> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Adjustable seat" ; schema:value "Customizable seat height and depth." . <#Weight> a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "330" ; schema:unitCode "lbs" . <#Width> a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "27.5" ; schema:unitCode "in" . <#Depth> a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "28.5" ; schema:unitCode "in" . <#Height> a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "43-46" ; schema:unitCode "in" . ## Turtle End ##