SPARQL CLEAR GRAPH ; SPARQL PREFIX rel: PREFIX wdrs: PREFIX schema: WITH INSERT { ## Custom Entity Relationship Types (Relations) ## <#hasUncle> a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "hasUncle" ; rdfs:comment """Relationship Type that's derived from a SPARQL-based Custom Inference Rule that associates a Person with a Male Person that's a sibling of one of their Parents. """ ; rdfs:domain <#RoyalPerson> ; rdfs:range <#MalePerson> ; wdrs:describedby <#> . <#hasAuntie> a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "hasAuntie" ; rdfs:comment """Relationship Type that's derived from a SPARQL-based Custom Inference Rule that associates a Person with a Female Person that's a sibling of one of their Parents. """ ; rdfs:domain <#RoyalPerson> ; rdfs:range <#FemalePerson> ; wdrs:describedby <#> . <#hasCousin> a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "hasCousin" ; rdfs:comment """Relationship Type that's derived from a SPARQL-based Custom Inference Rule that associates a Person with another Person; that's a child of the sibling of one of their Parents. """ ; rdfs:domain <#RoyalPerson> ; rdfs:range <#FemalePerson> ; wdrs:describedby <#> . ## Custom Entity Types (Classes) ## <#RoyalPerson> rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person, schema:Person ; rdfs:label "Person Class" ; rdfs:comment """ A person that inherits properties of both the foaf:Person and schema:Person classes from their respective vocabularies. The properties of this class are defined using custom inference rules using SPARQL via .""" ; wdrs:describedby <#> . <#FemalePerson> rdfs:subClassOf <#RoyalPerson> ; rdfs:label "Female Person Class" ; rdfs:comment """ A female person that inherits properties of the Person class identified by relative URI: <#RoyalPerson>. The properties of this class are defined using custom inference rules using SPARQL via . """ ; wdrs:describedby <#> . <#MalePerson> rdfs:subClassOf <#RoyalPerson> ; rdfs:label "Male Person Class" ; rdfs:comment """ A male person that inherits properties of the Person class identified by relative URI: <#RoyalPerson>. The properties of this class are defined using custom inference rules using SPARQL via . """ ; wdrs:describedby <#> . ## Entity Relationships ## a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince William" ; rel:siblingOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Queen Mother" ; rel:parentOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Queen Elizabeth II" ; rel:parentOf , , , ; rel:siblingOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Charles" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Margaret" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Anne" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Zara Phillips" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Beatrice" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Eugenie" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Andrew" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Edward" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Harry" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Peter Phillips" . } ;