-- Precautionary steps to avert confusionn -- -- Clearout perms set for 'nobody' -- DB.DBA.RDF_ALL_USER_PERMS_DEL ('nobody') ; -- DB.DBA.RDF_ALL_USER_PERMS_DEL ('VAL_SPARQL_ADMIN_G_CTX') ; -- DB.DBA.RDF_ALL_USER_PERMS_DEL ('{problematic-sql-user-returned-in-integrity-check-errors}') ; -- DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('http://demo.openlinksw.com/Artists#','kidehen1',15) ; -- DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('http://demo.openlinksw.com/Artists#','nobody',7) ; -- DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('kidehen1', 15, 0); -- Read, Write, Sponge, Graph Group listing privileges on 'world' named graphs for users --- VAL_SPARQL_ADMIN_G_CTX -- DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('VAL_SPARQL_ADMIN_G_CTX', 15, 0); -- DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('{problematic-sql-user-returned-in-integrity-check-errors}', 15, 0); -- Read privileges for 'nobody' on 'world' named graphs -- DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 1, 0); -- Graph Security Integrity Check RDF_GRAPH_SECURITY_AUDIT ( 0 ) ; -- Clear Rules Graph Cache -- VAL.DBA.clear_graph_acl_cache() ; -- Protected Named Graph Data Generation -- Cleanup SPARQL CLEAR GRAPH ; SPARQL CLEAR GRAPH ; -- Data for Named Graph SPARQL PREFIX acl: PREFIX oplacl: PREFIX foaf: INSERT { GRAPH { <#i> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Kingsley Uyi Idehen" ; owl:sameAs . } } ; -- Data Generation Verification SPARQL SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o} ; -- Data for Named Graph SPARQL PREFIX acl: PREFIX oplacl: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX like: PREFIX owl: INSERT { GRAPH { <#i> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Kingsley Uyi Idehen" ; owl:sameAs , ; foaf:mbox ; like:likes dbpedia:Jollof_rice, dbpedia:Suya . } } ; -- Data Generation Verification SPARQL SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o} ; -- Protect Named Graphs by making them Private, using Virtuoso Graph Security Feature -- i.e., by adding them to Private Named Graph Group DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs','urn:protected:demo:graph:1') ; DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs','urn:protected:demo:graph:2') ; -- Graph Group Description & Loading -- -- Conditional Group Definition SPARQL PREFIX acl: PREFIX oplacl: PREFIX foaf: WITH GRAPH INSERT { <#groupBasicNetID> a foaf:Group, oplacl:ConditionalGroup ; "Identities Denoted using a NetID based Identifier" ; [ a , ; ; ; 1 ] . } ; -- Protected Named Graph ACL Definitions --- -- Protection of Private Named Graph identified by IRI: SPARQL PREFIX oplacl: PREFIX acl: WITH INSERT { a acl:Authorization ; rdfs:label "Private Named Graph ACL (HTTP Realm) for Named Graph Identified by IRI: " ; foaf:maker ; oplacl:hasAccessMode oplacl:Read ; acl:accessTo ; acl:agent <#groupBasicNetID> ; oplacl:hasScope oplacl:PrivateGraphs ; oplacl:hasRealm oplacl:DefaultRealm . }; -- Protection of Private Named Graph identified by IRI: SPARQL PREFIX oplacl: PREFIX acl: WITH INSERT { a acl:Authorization ; rdfs:label "Private Named Graph ACL (HTTP Realm) for Named Graph Identified by IRI: " ; foaf:maker ; oplacl:hasAccessMode oplacl:Read ; acl:accessTo ; acl:agent , , , , , , , , , ; oplacl:hasScope oplacl:PrivateGraphs ; oplacl:hasRealm oplacl:DefaultRealm . };