Created on 2017-03-10 18:22
Published on 2017-03-10 18:35
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is fundamentally about Software Agents (and the machines they drive) being able to perform Reasoning & Inference against data from a variety of sources in varying circumstances.
The city of Boston has recently published a vast collection of Open Data. One of these datasets is about the locations of electric car charging stations.
One significant challenge is that the fields (a/k/a attributes, relationship types, or relations) used to construct longitude and latitude data have identifiers that are too tightly scoped to the CSV document in which they were originally published.
Produce a Linked Open Data rendition of the data without making any changes to the source data and without losing sensitivity to changes to the source over time.
By producing a set of built-in and/or custom inference rules for an RDF-aware Software Agent (e.g., Virtuoso) that enables it to generate the change-sensitive Linked Open Data rendition.
Note: in this post, built-in inference rules are the key to the solution; custom inference rules will be addressed in part 2, demonstrating an alternative approach.
## Context Rule for Built-In Reasoning & Inference
## See:
DEFINE input:inference "urn:geospatial:cleanup:inference:rules"
DEFINE get:soft "soft"
PREFIX geo: <>
?s1 AS ?webid
?s3 AS ?latitude
?s2 AS ?longitude
?s4 AS ?name
?s8 AS ?address
?s6 AS ?fuelType
?s5 AS ?city
?s1 a <> .
?s1 <> ?s2 .
?s1 <> ?s3 .
?s1 <> ?s4 .
?s1 <> ?s5 .
?s1 <> ?s6 .
?s1 <> ?s7 .
?s1 <> ?s8 .
?s1 geo:lat ?lat1 ;
geo:long ?lng1 .