Created on 2018-11-26 16:23
Published on 2018-11-26 16:46
At OpenLink Software, our broad and sophisticated portfolio of platform-agnostic products has increasingly challenged our ability to deliver the kind of agility demanded by our own business operations. Naturally, we don't stand alone in this situation i.e., this is a very common challenge that afflicts every commercial enterprise where scale is the only differentiation axis.
Increase agility across Product Development, Description, Packaging, Merchandising, Sales, and Delivery.
Use RDF documents that have been crafted in line with Linked Data principles to construct a dynamic Enterprise Knowledge Graph that manifests as a Semantic Web constructed from the use of hyperlinks as unambiguous identifiers for Software Applications, Software Licenses, Operating Systems, Processors, Offers, Installer Archives, Virtual Machines & Containers, etc.
At the end of each product release cycle, whether for a new or existing product, we take the following steps, ensuring that hyperlinks (specifically, HTTP URIs) identify everything (i.e., Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types). This enables insightful lookups and follow-your-nose exploration triggered by hyperlink clicks, whenever needed by whomever, across the enterprise, subject to data access policies described by Attribute-based Access Controls (ACLs).
In classic two-for-one fashion, completing this challenging effort has enabled us both to reach our desired enterprise agility levels and to significantly enhance the hands-on expertise of every employee in the process. Best of all, we can share this level of agility with our customers through improved services while simultaneously making the virtues of our product portfolio easier for those same customers to understand and exploit.