Created on 2015-01-22 18:55
Published on 2015-01-22 18:55
In line with my theme about profile data publishing that benefits both You and Google [1]. Here's how the very same rules apply to Movie Reviews.
Google has just published guidelines [2] for describing Movie Reviews that are comprehensible to their crawlers and related services. As will always be the case, here's an extension of their guidelines that cover reviews represented using JSON-LD structured data islands embedded in HTML documents using <script/> (preferred by Google) and TURTLE (which can also be embedded in HTML using <script/> or published to a text document using Dropbox, Amazon S3, and others) [3][4].
Note: The "#webid" tacked on to the end of some of the URLs is a simple trick (zero costs!) for turning each URL (which identifies a Web Page) into an unambiguous name (or identifier) that identifies agents (People, Organizations, and Bots [Machines & Software])! [5][6].
Pro: Easily deployable by Javascript Programmers (generically referred to as "Web Developers" these days).
Con: HTML specific pattern.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context" : "",
"@type" : "Review",
"author" : {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Lisa Kennedy",
"sameAs" : ""
"datePublished" : "2014-03-13T20:00",
"description" : "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling.",
"itemReviewed" : {
"@type" : "Movie",
"name" : "Gravity",
"sameAs" : "",
"datePublished" : "2013-10-04T00:00",
"director" : {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Alfonso Cuarón",
"sameAs" : ""
"actor" : [{
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Sandra Bullock",
"sameAs" : ""
}, {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "George Clooney",
"sameAs" : ""
"publisher" : {
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Denver Post",
"sameAs" : ""
"reviewRating" : {
"@type" : "Rating",
"worstRating" : 1,
"bestRating" : 4,
"ratingValue" : 3.5
"url" : ""
Pro: Deployable from any storage system (Amazon S3, Dropbox etc..) that lets you configure content type i.e., make the "appliction/json+ld" document content-type known to JSON-LD aware clients apps and services.
Con: shortage of crawlers.
"@context" : "",
"@type" : "Review",
"author" : {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Lisa Kennedy",
"sameAs" : ""
"datePublished" : "2014-03-13T20:00",
"description" : "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling.",
"itemReviewed" : {
"@type" : "Movie",
"name" : "Gravity",
"sameAs" : "",
"datePublished" : "2013-10-04T00:00",
"director" : {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Alfonso Cuarón",
"sameAs" : ""
"actor" : [{
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Sandra Bullock",
"sameAs" : ""
}, {
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "George Clooney",
"sameAs" : ""
"publisher" : {
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Denver Post",
"sameAs" : ""
"reviewRating" : {
"@type" : "Rating",
"worstRating" : 1,
"bestRating" : 4,
"ratingValue" : 3.5
"url" : ""
Pro: The nature (semantics) of entity relationship types are easier to see and understand.
Con: Google can't or won't parse this kind of document content.
<script type="text/turtle">
@prefix schema: <> .
a schema:Review ;
schema:author [ a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Lisa Kennedy" ;
schema:sameAs <>
schema:datePublished "2014-03-13T20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:description "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling." ;
schema:itemReviewed [
a schema:Movie ;
schema:name "Gravity" ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
schema:datePublished "2013-10-04T00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:director [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Alfonso Cuarón" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
] ;
schema:actor [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Sandra Bullock" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "George Clooney" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
schema:publisher [
a schema:Organization ;
schema:name "Denver Post" ;
schema:sameAs <>
] ;
schema:reviewRating [
a schema:Rating ;
schema:worstRating "1"^^xsd:integer ;
schema:bestRating "4"^^xsd:integer;
schema:ratingValue "3.5"^^xsd:integer
schema:url <> .
Pro: The nature (semantics) of entity relationship types are easier to see and understand. In addition, this kind of document is deployable from any storage system (Amazon S3, Dropbox etc..) that lets you configure content type i.e., make the "text/turtle" document content-type known to RDF aware clients (all of which support TURTLE circa., 2015).
Con: Google can't or won't parse this kind of document content.
@prefix schema: <> .
a schema:Review ;
schema:author [ a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Lisa Kennedy" ;
schema:sameAs <>
schema:datePublished "2014-03-13T20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:description "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling." ;
schema:itemReviewed [
a schema:Movie ;
schema:name "Gravity" ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
schema:datePublished "2013-10-04T00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:director [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Alfonso Cuarón" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
] ;
schema:actor [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Sandra Bullock" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "George Clooney" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
schema:publisher [
a schema:Organization ;
schema:name "Denver Post" ;
schema:sameAs <>
] ;
schema:reviewRating [
a schema:Rating ;
schema:worstRating "1"^^xsd:integer ;
schema:bestRating "4"^^xsd:integer;
schema:ratingValue "3.5"^^xsd:integer
] ;
schema:url <> .
Pro: Nanotations [2] are deployable from any social media/networking space or service that offers the ability to post plain text (Tweets, Facebook Posts, G+ Posts, LinkedIn Posts, Blog Posts, Comments, Mailing List Posts etc.. ).
Con: Google can't or won't parse this kind of document content.
For all social-media platforms (bar Twitter), simply adopt the guidelines that follow in regards to creating nanotation-laced posts [5].
@prefix schema: <> .
a schema:Review ;
schema:author [ a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Lisa Kennedy" ;
schema:sameAs <>
schema:datePublished "2014-03-13T20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:description "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling." ;
schema:itemReviewed [
a schema:Movie ;
schema:name "Gravity" ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
schema:datePublished "2013-10-04T00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:director [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Alfonso Cuarón" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
] ;
schema:actor [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Sandra Bullock" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "George Clooney" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
schema:publisher [
a schema:Organization ;
schema:name "Denver Post" ;
schema:sameAs <>
] ;
schema:reviewRating [
a schema:Rating ;
schema:worstRating "1"^^xsd:integer ;
schema:bestRating "4"^^xsd:integer;
schema:ratingValue "3.5"^^xsd:integer
] ;
schema:url <> .
## Nanotation Start ##
@prefix schema: <> .
a schema:Review ;
schema:author [ a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Lisa Kennedy" ;
schema:sameAs <>
schema:datePublished "2014-03-13T20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:description "Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling." ;
schema:itemReviewed [
a schema:Movie ;
schema:name "Gravity" ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
schema:datePublished "2013-10-04T00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:director [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Alfonso Cuarón" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
] ;
schema:actor [
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Sandra Bullock" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
a schema:Person ;
schema:name "George Clooney" ;
schema:sameAs <>,
schema:publisher [
a schema:Organization ;
schema:name "Denver Post" ;
schema:sameAs <>
] ;
schema:reviewRating [
a schema:Rating ;
schema:worstRating "1"^^xsd:integer ;
schema:bestRating "4"^^xsd:integer;
schema:ratingValue "3.5"^^xsd:integer
] ;
schema:url <> .
## Nanotation End ##