About DBpedia 2016–04 Edition

Created on 2016-10-27 14:52

Published on 2016-10-27 15:08

DBpedia is a Big Linked Open Data enclave on the Web constructed from a collection of entity descriptions (in the form or RDF-Language sentences) extracted from Wikipedia content. These sentences describe entities, entity types (classes), and entity relationship types (relations) using RDF-Language sentences while also adhering to Linked Open Data principles i.e., identifying entities using hyperlinks and then describing them in documents published to the Web using subject->predicate->object sentences.

Image Source: http://slidewiki.org/upload/media/images/129/7392.png

This release is based on updated Wikipedia dumps dating from March/April 2016, and features a significantly expanded base of information as well as richer and (hopefully) cleaner data based on the DBpedia ontology.

English Edition Knowledgebase Statistics

This edition of the DBpedia knowledge base currently describes 6 million uniquely identified entities of which 4.6 million are associated with abstracts, 1.53 million have geo coordinates, and 1.6 million have depictions. In total, 5.2 million entities are classified in a consistent ontology that further classifies entities along the following lines:

The total number of entities (rdf:Resource or owl:Thing instances) in English DBpedia is 16.9M. Besides the previously mentioned 6 million entities, that includes 1.7 million concept categories (or subject matter headings), 7.3 million redirect pages, 260 thousand disambiguation pages and 1.7 million bridge pages.

In total, the DBpedia 2016–04 release consists of 9.5 billion (2015–10: 8.8 billion) pieces of information (represented as RDF-Language triples or sentences) out of which 1.3 billion (2015–10: 1.1 billion) were extracted from the English edition of Wikipedia, 5.0 billion (2015–10: 4.4 billion) from other language editions, and 3.2 billion (2015–10: 3.2 billion) from DBpedia Commons and Wikidata. In general, we observed a growth in cross-reference oriented statements (referencing other data sources) of about 2%.

Thorough statistics can be found on the DBpedia website, and general information on the DBpedia datasets is here.

Ontology Statistics

The DBpedia community added many new classes and properties to the DBpedia ontology via the mappings wiki. The DBpedia 2016–04 ontology encompasses:
