Created on 2020-11-03 14:57
Published on 2020-11-03 15:02
Arising from curiosity about the potential outcome of the 2020 US Presidential Election, I’ve constructed a spreadsheet comprising data about eligible voters in said election, a breakdown of early-votes cast by state, and the final tallies for the 2016 election.
I am interested in states that show very high early-vote counts as a percentage of the total vote count in the prior 2016 Presidential Election.
I want to generate an explorable Knowledge Graph from my Google Spreadsheet which itself comprises a merge of data from various sources that include:
I will use the Virtuoso instance behind the public URIBurner Service (which includes an enabled Sponger Transformation Middleware Module), as my tool of choice.
[1] Create Google Spreadsheet. Here’s my example.
[2] Pass the Spreadsheet URL to URIBurner using options for returning CSV rather than HTML —
That returns an HTML-Entity Description Page which is also an entry point into a newly generated Knowledge Graph. This pages includes a listing of Entities derived from Rows in the original Spreadsheet.
For instance, clicking on the hyperlink “Record2” results in a lookup that returns data for the state of Texas.
Alternatively, you can click on the “Browse using” drop-down or manually construct an alternative URL-pattern to obtain a different HTML-based Entity Description page that includes powerful Faceted Browsing capability i.e., the use of Entity Attributes to provide pivot-style exploration across various dimensions.
For instance, here is a list of instances of the Class "2020 Election Analysis" derived from the Google Spreadsheet.
Here's a view of a specific Record, a specific instance of the "2020 Election Analysis" Class derived from the Google Spreadsheet.
Here's the Ontology derived from the Google Spreadsheet.
At this point, I have two views of my Knowledge Graph, but the labelling for each state could be clearer.
To solve the preferred labelling problem, I’ve applied a SPARQL INSERT statement to generate an additional attribute that will ultimately be used as my preferred label, courtesy of the skos:prefLabel term from the SKOS Ontology.
PREFIX lod: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX schema: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX election-2020-data: <> INSERT { GRAPH <urn:us:election:2020:data:cleanup> { ?record skos:prefLabel ?label } } WHERE { ?record election-2020-data:State_Name ?label }
The following screenshots depict effects of the INSERT statement above i.e., how the underlying Faceted Browsing Engine has selected the preferred Entity Attribute for Display Labeling used in the “About:” heading.
And here's a revamped view of "Texas" rather than "Record2" .
Courtesy of the data management and transformation power of Virtuoso, I’ve successfully used a single mouse-click to generate a Knowledge Graph deployed using Linked Data principles from my Google Spreadsheet — comprising data about the U.S. Presidential Election collated from a variety of sources.