Created on 2016-10-21 21:43
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Linked Data Visualization Innovation -- Image Processing inside Query Processor
How can we leverage the power of RDF-Language sentences, as vehicles of powerful structured data representation, without exploiting the "picture speaks a thousand words" dictum?
Our Solution
Integrating an image processor inside our SPARQL Query processor such that the following query produces a powerful drill-down interface:
'''SELECT DISTINCT ?s as ?href ?name ?kingdom ?kname ?image ?habitat ?hname ?description ?class ?growsIn ?adaptation ?ecozone
FROM <urn:bbc:nature:data>
WHERE { ?s
wo:kingdom ?kingdom;
dcterms:description ?description;
rdfs:label ?name;
wo:livesIn ?habitat;
wo:adaptation ?adaptation;
wo:class ?class;
wo:growsIn ?growsIn;
foaf:depiction ?image;
wo:ecozone ?ecozone.
?kingdom rdfs:label ?kname.
?habitat rdfs:label ?hname.