JSON-LD Support in Browsers via OSDS Extension

Created on 2016-07-15 17:03

Published on ---

Gone are the days when document content format preferences, and ensuing confusion, stifled stakeholder (developers, content curators, marketeers, and integrators) ability to understand the virtues of publishing structured data islands embedded in HTML documents.  

Today, masses amounts of structured data [in Linked Open Data form, using terms from the Schema.org vocabulary]  are being published to the Web using HTML5 documents that include JSON-LD, a popular notation amongst Web Developers and Content Publishers (e.g., Google). 

In response to JSON-LD's popularity, and our natural desire to make comprehension and exploitation of Linked Data and a Semantic Web as easy as possible, we've added support for this notation to our Structured Data Sniffer-- which in turn adds natural JSON-LD content type (i.e., "application/ld+json") handling to its host browser. 

How do I experience this? 

Install the browser extension and then open up the URI/URL of a JSON-LD document from an HTTP server on the Web or your Intranet. 

You can also leverage the power of Virtuoso's SPARQL engine which supports JSON-LD as one of the query results out formats associated with DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT queries i.e., queries that return solutions in the form of a document containing RDF Language sentences/statements represented as an Entity Relationship Graph.


## Query Start ##

# Create an Entity Relationship Graph comprised of any Type of Relationship
# that has an Entity Identified
# by <http://data.openlinksw.com/oplweb/product/odbc-informix-st#this> as the
# Subject and any other Entity as the object.

CONSTRUCT {<http://data.openlinksw.com/oplweb/product/odbc-informix-st#this> ?p ?o}
WHERE { <http://data.openlinksw.com/oplweb/product/odbc-informix-st#this> ?p ?o.
FILTER (contains(str(?p),"schema.org"))

## Query End ##

Query Depiction via screenshot

Live Query Definition Link: http://bit.ly/json-ld-sparql-query 

JSON-LD Query Results in Browser

Editing Query Results based on Output in Browser
