Attribute Based Access Controls & Linked Data

Created on 2014-07-30 19:55

Published on 2014-07-30 20:01

In this post, I use RDF based Nanotation [1] (micro-annotations that are embeddable in posts) to describe Attribute Based Access Controls (ABAC). Historically, this form of access control has been challenged by identifier type incompatibilities, disparate data formats, disparate protocols, virtualization of heterogeneous data sources, performance, and scalability.

I am also testing out LinkedIn in to see if my nanotations make it back out to the Web unaltered en route to adding more data (via LinkedIn posts) to the massive Linked Open Data cloud.

## Turtle Start ##

rdfs:label "Attributed Based Access Control";
owl:sameAs dbpedia:Attribute_Based_Access_Control;
skos:altLabel "ABAC" ;
foaf:depiction <> ;
rdfs:comment """Access control driven by relations that describe identity principals and target protected resources.""".

rdfs:label "Example: SPARQL Named Graph Access";
rdfs:comment """Controlled Access to a Named Graph.""" ;
xhv:related <#ABAC> .

rdfs:label "ABAC Illustration".

## Turtle End ##


[1] -- Nanotation Explained.

#LinkedData #ABAC #ACL #Security #Identity #Privacy #SPARQL #SQL #NewSQL #BigData #Nanotation