## Virtuoso Client Connectivity, ODBC Drivers, and Installers for Windoes## @prefix oplsoft: . @prefix oplprod: . @prefix gr: . @prefix opllic: . @prefix oplfeat: . @prefix oplbens: . @prefix oplinstall: . @prefix oplcomp: . ## Document Metadata <> a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client Connectivity Kit, ODBC Driver, and Installers Descriptions" ; foaf:maker ; schema:url <#this> ; dcterms:created "2015-01-27T15:44:00-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime; dcterms:modified "2015-02-137T10:16:00-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime; dcterms:subject , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; foaf:topic , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; schema:about , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . ## TBox ## oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification a owl:Class; rdfs:label "FileSizeSpecification" ; is rdfs:domain of oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit, oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue . oplinstall:InstallerArchive rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document, bibo:Document ; rdfs:label "InstallerArchive" ; skos:altLabel "Installer File" ; rdfs:comment """A Software Installation File/Document that's processed by an operating system specific installer""" . ## RBox ## oplinstall:hasSizeSpecification a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasSize"; rdfs:range oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:domain oplinstall:InstallerArchive . oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasMeasurementUnit"; rdfs:domain oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:range xsd:string. oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasMeasurementValue"; rdfs:domain oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:range xsd:integer. oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf rdfs:label "isInstallerArchiveOf" ; skos:altLabel "Installation Archive Of" ; owl:inverseOf oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive ; rdfs:comment "Associates an Installer Archive with a Product Model"; rdfs:domain oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:range schema:ProductModel . oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive rdfs:label "hasInstallerArchive" ; skos:altLabel "Has Installer Archive" ; owl:inverseOf oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; rdfs:comment "Associates an Product Model with an Installer Archive"; rdfs:range oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:domain schema:ProductModel . oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasFileSizeSpecification"; skos:altLabel "Has File Size Specification" ; rdfs:comment """Associates a File [or Document] with its size related measurements.""" ; rdfs:domain oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:range oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification . ## Virtuoso Client Connectivity ## a foaf:Group ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client Connectivity" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Components that provide connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using open standards based data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET,and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. """ ; foaf:member , , , , , , , ; xhv:related , , . ## Virtuoso Client Connectivity for Windows Product Model Description a gr:ProductOrService, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client Connectivity Kit for Windows" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Components that provide connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using open standards based data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET,and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. """ ; dcterms:hasPart , ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive , ; xhv:related , ; oplprod:hasFamily . ## Virtuoso ODBC for Windows Descriptions a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso ODBC Driver for Windows" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Component that provides connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) open standard. Once installed, these secure and high-performance drivers provide connectivity to Virtuoso instances from any ODBC compliant application, service, or development environment. Examples include Microsoft Acccess, Microsoft Excel, Visual Studio, PHP, Tableau, Crystal Reports, Filemaker, Spotfire, and many others. """ ; xhv:related , , , , ; is foaf:topic of , , , , , , ; is gr:hasMakeAndModel of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive , ; is opllic:hasProductLicense of ; is foaf:member of ; oplfeat:hasFeature <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSupport>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCHighPerformance>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSecurity>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCToWeb> . ## Virtuoso Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive For Windows Description ## a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client Connectivity Kit Installer for Windows" ; dcterms:description """This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.""" ; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-02-05T17:07:51-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "wavcz2zz.msi" ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; schema:url ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; oplcomp:hasComponentOptionalDependency ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#wavcz2zz.msiSpecification> . <#wavcz2zz.msiSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- wavcz2zz.msi" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "5980160"^^xsd:integer . ## Virtuoso Client & Server Installer Archive For Windows Description ## a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client & Server Components Bundle Installer for Windows" ; dcterms:description """This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client & Server components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients.""" ; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-02-05T17:02:25-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "wavpz2zz.msi" ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; schema:url ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; oplcomp:hasComponentOptionalDependency ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#wavpz2zz.msisizeSpecification> . <#wavpz2zz.msisizeSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- wavpz2zz.msi" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "36532224"^^xsd:integer . ## Redland Provider a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Native Redland Provider for Virtuoso" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Redland an open source framework for RDF document manipulation and accces. The framework includes several high-level language APIs providing RDF manipulation and storage and requires the Raptor RDF parser and Rasqal RDF syntax and query library for its use. """; is foaf:member of ; is foaf:topic of ; is foaf:topic of ; is foaf:member of ; xhv:related , , . ## Redland Native RDF Provider Documentation a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Redland Provider Usage Guide"; foaf:topic ; rdfs:comment """Installation, configuration, and use of Virtuoso's Native Provider for Redland's 'C' programming language based RDF Framework.""" ; schema:url ; xhv:related , , , . #### Java OS #### # JDBC Driver Description a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso JDBC Driver" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Component that provides connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) open standard. Once installed, these secure and high-performance drivers provide connectivity to Virtuoso instances from any JDBC compliant application, service, or development environment. Examples include Jena, Sesame, and Redland. """ ; xhv:related , , ; is foaf:topic of ; is gr:hasMakeAndModel of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive , , , , , ; is opllic:hasProductLicense of ; is foaf:member of , ; oplfeat:hasFeature <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCSupport>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCHighPerformance>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCSecurity> . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCSupport> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "JDBC Compliance" ; rdfs:comment """Supports basic and advanced features, across various JDBC compliance levels""" . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCHighPerformance> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "High-Performance" ; rdfs:comment """JDBC compliant data access without any performance compromise.""" . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureJDBCSecurity> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "High-Security" ; rdfs:comment """Fine-grained user Identity combined with TLS-based across-the-wire data encryption. This functionality compliments fine-grained attribute based access controls (ABAC) based functionality on Virtuoso server instance, in regards to: SPARQL Named Graphs [Internal RDF Document Identifiers], SQL Tables.""" . ## JDBC 3.0 JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 3.x Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 3.0 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:45-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc3.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc3.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc3.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc3.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "263330"^^xsd:integer . ## JDBC 3.0 SSL/TLS JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 3.x SSL/TLS Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 3.0 + SSL/TLS Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:45-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc3ssl.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virt_jena.jarSpecification> ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc3ssl.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc3ssl.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc3ssl.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "263330"^^xsd:integer . ## JDBC 4.0 JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 4.0 Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.0 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:48-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc4.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc4.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc4.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "301301"^^xsd:integer . # JDBC 4.0 SSL/TLS JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 4.0 SSL/TLS Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.0 + SSL/TLS Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:45-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4ssl.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc4ssl.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc4ssl.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc4ssl.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "304739"^^xsd:integer . ## JDBC 4.1 JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 4.1 Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.1 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:39-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_1.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc4_1.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc4_1.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc4_1.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "301301"^^xsd:integer . ## JDBC 4.1 SSL/TLS JAR a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "JDBC 4.1 SSL/TLS Driver JAR File" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.1 + SSL/TLS Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-19T16:05:39-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_1ssl.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virtjdbc4_1ssl.jarSpecification> ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; schema:url . <#virtjdbc4_1ssl.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virtjdbc4_1.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "3311164"^^xsd:integer . ## RDF Native Providers for Java based Frameworks ## Documentation Cross References a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native RDF Providers Documentation"; schema:about , , ; rdfs:comment """Installation, configuration, and use of Virtuoso's Native RDF Providers.""" ; schema:url ; rdfs:seeAlso , , , ; xhv:related , , . a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "VOS Wiki: Virtuoso Native RDF Providers Documentation"; schema:about , , ; rdfs:comment """VOS Wiki document covering Installation, configuration, and use of Virtuoso's Native RDF Providers.""" ; schema:url ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; xhv:related , , . ## Jena a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Native Jena Provider for Virtuoso" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Jena Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Jena based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; is foaf:member of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive ; is foaf:topic of ; is foaf:topic of . ## JAR File a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Jena Provider JAR Archive" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Jena Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Jena based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' .""" ; dcterms:created "2015-01-16T12:38:25-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virt_jena.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virt_jena.jarSpecification> ; schema:url , . <#virt_jena.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virt_jena.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "47937"^^xsd:integer . ## Jena 2 a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Native Jena 2 Provider for Virtuoso" ; rdfs:comment """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Jena 2 Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Jena 2 based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; is foaf:member of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive ; is foaf:topic of . ## JAR File a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Jena 2 Provider JAR Archive" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Jena 2 Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Jena 2 based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-01-16T12:38:25-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virt_jena2.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virt_jena2.jarSpecification> ; schema:url , . <#virt_jena2.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virt_jena2.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "48044"^^xsd:integer . ## Documentation Cross References a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Jena Provider Usage Guide"; schema:about , ; rdfs:comment """Installation, configuration, and use of Virtuoso's Native Provider for Jena's Java based Framework.""" ; schema:url ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; xhv:related , , . ## Sesame Providers ## Sesame 2 Providers a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Native Sesame 2 Provider for Virtuoso" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Native Sesame 2 Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Sesame based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; is foaf:member of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive , ; is foaf:topic of . ## 2.6 JARs a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Sesame 2.6 Provider JAR Archive" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Sesame 2.6 Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Sesame 2.6 based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-01-16T12:38:25-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virt_sesame26.jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virt_sesame26.jarSpecification> ; schema:url . <#virt_sesame26.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virt_sesame26.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "50857"^^xsd:integer . ## 2.7 JARs a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Sesame 2.7 Provider JAR Archive" ; dcterms:description """Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's Sesame 2.7 Native Provider. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Sesame 2.7 based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality. """; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-01-28T15:30:38-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "virt_sesame27jar" ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#virt_sesame27.jarSpecification> ; schema:url . <#virt_sesame27.jarSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- virt_sesame267.jar" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "50857"^^xsd:integer . ## Documentation Cross References a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Native Sesame 2 Provider Usage Guide"; schema:about ; rdfs:comment """Installation, configuration, and use of Virtuoso's Native Provider for Sesame 2's Java based Framework. """ ; schema:url ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; xhv:related , , . #### Mac OS X #### ## Virtuoso Client Connectivity for Mac OS X Product Model Description a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Client Connectivity Kit for Mac OS X" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Components that provide connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using open standards based data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET,and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. """ ; dcterms:hasPart , ; xhv:related , ; oplprod:hasFamily . # ODBC Driver for Mac OS X Description a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, schema:ProductModel ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso ODBC Driver for Mac OS X" ; foaf:depiction ; rdfs:comment """Client Component that provides connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) open standard. Once installed, these secure and high-performance drivers provide connectivity to Virtuoso instances from any ODBC compliant application, service, or development environment. Examples include: Microsoft Excel, Filemaker, and many others. """ ; xhv:related , ; is foaf:topic of ; is gr:hasMakeAndModel of ; is opllic:hasProductLicense of ; is foaf:member of ; is foaf:topic of , , , , ; is gr:hasMakeAndModel of ; oplinstall:hasInstallerArchive ; oplfeat:hasFeature <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSupport>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCHighPerformance>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSecurity>, <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCToWeb> . ## Generic ODBC Driver Features <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSupport> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "ODBC Compliance" ; rdfs:comment """Supports basic and advanced features, across various ODBC compliance levels""" . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCHighPerformance> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "High-Performance" ; rdfs:comment """ODBC compliant data access without any performance compromise.""" . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCSecurity> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "High-Security" ; rdfs:comment """Fine-grained user Identity combined with TLS-based across-the-wire data encryption. This functionality compliments fine-grained attribute based access controls (ABAC) based functionality on Virtuoso server instance, in regards to: SPARQL Named Graphs [Internal RDF Document Identifiers], SQL Tables.""" . <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCToWeb> a oplfeat:ProductFeature ; rdfs:label "Access to World Wide Web" ; oplbens:hasBenefit <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureBenefitODBCToWeb> ; rdfs:comment """When connected to public instnaces of Virtuoso, you can use this ODBC Driver to turn the World Wide Web [Web] into just another RDBMS Data Source. Naturally, this also implies being able to treat the Linked Open Data [LOD] as just another RDBMS Data Source. You can explore this capability via the URIBurner Service instance at: . """ ; xhv:related , , , , . ## Feature Benefits <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureBenefitODBCToWeb> a oplbens:Benefit ; rdfs:label "virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureBenefitODBCToWeb" ; skos:altLabel "Broad Heterogenous Data Access" ; skos:prefLabel "Broad Heterogeneous Data Access (Relational Tables & RDF Predicate/Property Graphs)" ; rdfs:comment """Rather than being confined to data held captive by a SQL RDBMS, you now have access to the World Wide Web and/or the burgeoning Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud, from any ODBC compliant client application. Net effect, cost-effective broad access to heterogeously-shaped and disparately-located big, small, and smart data sources. Typical examples include: Plain Text, HTML (with or without embedded Microdata, JSON-LD, TURTLE based structured data islands), Social Media (RSS & Atom based Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, Disqus etc..), CSV, Various Web Service Endpooint Documents (Amazon, eBay, BestBuy, Crunchbase, AngelList, Stack Overflow, Github etc.. ), and RDF (TURTLE, JSON-LD, RDF/XML) documents. """ ; oplbens:isBenefitOf <#virtuoso-client-connectivityFeatureODBCToWeb> . ## Mac OS X 10.6 Universal Installers # ODBC Driver Installer Archive a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso ODBC Driver for Mac OS X Installer Archive" ; dcterms:description """This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC and JDBC.""" ; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-02-03T02:12:00-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf ; dcterms:identifier "mwvcz2zz.dmg" ; dcterms:format "application/x-apple-diskimage" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; schema:url ; oplcomp:hasComponentOptionalDependency ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#mwvcz2zz.dmgSpecification> . <#mwvcz2zz.dmgSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- mwvcz2zz.dmg" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "2089529"^^xsd:integer . # Server, Client Connectivity, and iODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle a oplinstall:InstallerArchive ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer for Mac OS X" ; dcterms:description """This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client, Server, and iODBC SDK & Rumtime components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications using the 'C' programming language. The Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components required by ODBC compliant applications, in regards to ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration. """ ; rdfs:comment """Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:' . """ ; dcterms:created "2015-02-11T22:40:09-00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplinstall:isInstallerArchiveOf , , ; dcterms:identifier "mwvpz2zz.dmg#" ; dcterms:format "application/x-apple-diskimage" ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystem ; oplsoft:hasOperatingSystemFamily ; schema:url ; oplcomp:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ; oplcomp:hasComponentOptionalDependency ; oplinstall:hasFileSizeSpecification <#mwvpz2zz.dmg#Specification> . <#mwvpz2zz.dmgSpecification> a oplinstall:FileSizeSpecification ; rdfs:label "File Size Details -- mwvpz2zz.dmg#" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementUnit "Bytes" ; oplinstall:hasMeasurementValue "40513811"^^xsd:integer .