## Info Source Link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/08/metro/covid-19-testing-site-opens-outside-chestnut-hill-mall/ ## Text: New testing site at 199 Boylston St. (Route 9) is offered by the mall and One Medical. ## Turtle Start ## @prefix boston-globe-article: . @prefix one-medical: . @prefix schema: . @prefix map-quest-chestnut-hill: . @prefix : <#> . ## Article Description boston-globe-article:this schema:mainEntity one-medical:this ; schema:about one-medical:this ; schema:url boston-globe-article: . ## Provider Description one-medical:this a schema:Organization, schema:LocalBusiness, schema:CovidTestingFacility ; schema:name "One Medical" ; schema:availableService schema:MedicalTest ; schema:openingHours :one-medical-hours-spec ; schema:address :one-medical-address . :one-medical-hours-spec: a schema:OpenHoursSpecification ; schema:name "Medical One Openining Hours Specification" ; schema:closes "00:30:00" ; schema:opens "08:00:00" ; schema:dayOfWeek schema:Sunday, schema:Monday, schema:Tuesday, schema:Wednesday, schema:Thursday, schema:Friday, schema:Saturday, schema:PublicHolidays . :one-medical-address a schema:PostalAddress ; schema:addressCountry "USA" ; schema:addressRegion "Massachusetts" ; schema:addressLocality "Chestnut Hill" ; schema:streetAddress "199 Boylston St. (Route 9)" ; schema:areaServed :areaServed ; schema:related map-quest-chestnut-hill:this . :areaServed a schema:Place ; schema:name "Area Served by One Medical Testing Center in Chestnut Hill, MA" ; schema:longitude "-71.17598940608218"^^xsd:float ; schema:latitude "42.32133513461906"^^xsd:float . ## Turtle End ## ## JSON-LD Start ## { "@context": { "schema": "http://schema.org/", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "#areaServed", "@type": "schema:Place", "schema:latitude": { "@type": "xsd:float", "@value": "42.32133513461906" }, "schema:longitude": { "@type": "xsd:float", "@value": "-71.17598940608218" }, "schema:name": "Area Served by One Medical Testing Center in Chestnut Hill, MA" }, { "@id": "#one-medical-address", "@type": "schema:PostalAddress", "schema:addressCountry": "USA", "schema:addressLocality": "Chestnut Hill", "schema:addressRegion": "Massachusetts", "schema:areaServed": { "@id": "#areaServed" }, "schema:related": { "@id": "https://www.mapquest.com/us/massachusetts/the-shops-at-chestnut-hill-570821764this" }, "schema:streetAddress": "199 Boylston St. (Route 9)" }, { "@id": "#one-medical-hours-spec:", "@type": "schema:OpenHoursSpecification", "schema:closes": "00:30:00", "schema:dayOfWeek": [ { "@id": "schema:Sunday" }, { "@id": "schema:Monday" }, { "@id": "schema:Tuesday" }, { "@id": "schema:Wednesday" }, { "@id": "schema:Thursday" }, { "@id": "schema:Friday" }, { "@id": "schema:Saturday" }, { "@id": "schema:PublicHolidays" } ], "schema:name": "Medical One Openining Hours Specification", "schema:opens": "08:00:00" }, { "@id": "https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/08/metro/covid-19-testing-site-opens-outside-chestnut-hill-mall#this", "schema:about": { "@id": "https://www.onemedical.com/#this" }, "schema:mainEntity": { "@id": "https://www.onemedical.com/#this" }, "schema:url": { "@id": "https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/08/metro/covid-19-testing-site-opens-outside-chestnut-hill-mall#" } }, { "@id": "https://www.onemedical.com/#this", "@type": [ "schema:Organization", "schema:LocalBusiness", "schema:CovidTestingFacility" ], "schema:address": { "@id": "#one-medical-address" }, "schema:availableService": { "@id": "schema:MedicalTest" }, "schema:name": "One Medical", "schema:openingHours": { "@id": "#one-medical-hours-spec" } } ] } ## JSON-LD End ##