Expressing Marks, Tokens, and Types in RDF ## Turtle Start ## @prefix : <#> . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix schema: . @prefix turtle: . <> a schema:CreativeWork ; schema:name "Mark, Token, and Type deconstruction" ; schema:description """Breaking down the core elements of basic communication""" ; schema:identifier <#> . # Marks [] # Tokens in the form of URIs # Type declarations [ a owl:Thing ; schema:identifier :this ] . [ a owl:Thing ; schema:identifier :that ] . [ a rdf:Property ; schema:identifier :relatedTo ] . [ :relatedTo :that ; schema:identifier :this ] . [ a rdf:Statement ; rdf:subject :this ; rdf:predicate :relatedTo ; rdf:object :that ] . # Putting Mark, Token, and Type effects together via an RDF sentence that's understood by an RDF processor. # An RDF processor understands, at the bare minimum, the semantics of terms defined in the RDF Ontology ( ) :this :relatedTo :that . # In SPARQL you can go one step further by adding: # 1. URI-Variables as Identifiers # 2. Named Graph Identifiers that name a collection of RDF Sentences :thisGraph schema:name "thisGraph" ; schema:description """A named collection of sentences representing Entity Relationship Types [Relations]""" ; schema:about :this, :relatedTo, :that ; schema:text ":this :relatedTo :that ."^^turtle:this . ## Turtle End ##