## Document Metadata <> a foaf:Document, schema:WebPage ; xhv:alternate ; rdfs:label "March 2015 Press Releases Description" ; rdfs:comment """Describes the Virtuoso 7.2 and ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB providers for the World Wide Web press releases. """@en ; dcterms:created "2015-03-12T17:15:00-05:00"^^ ; dcterms:modified "2015-03-12T17:15:00-05:00"^^ ; dcterms:creator ; xhv:license ; cc:attributionName "Kingsley Uyi Idehen" ; cc:attributionURL ; schema:about , . ## Definition of Terms ## Classes <#PressRelease> rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document; rdfs:label "PressRelease" ; skos:prefLabel "Press Release"@en ; is rdfs:domain of <#hasStatus>, <#hasHeadLine>, <#hasSubHeadLine>, <#hasBody> ; is rdfs:range of dcterms:partOf . ## Properties <#hasStatus> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasStatus" ; skos:altLabel "Press Release Status"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with its release status."""@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#hasHeadLine> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasHeadLine" ; skos:altLabel "Headline"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with its headline text."""@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#hasSubHeadLine> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "hasSubHeadLine" ; skos:altLabel "Secondary Headline"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with its headline text."""@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#hasSituationAnalysis> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterms:description ; rdfs:label "hasSituationAnalysis" ; skos:altLabel "Has Situation Analysis"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with a situation oriented context for whatever the press release is about. """@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#hasBody> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterms:description ; rdfs:label "hasBody" ; skos:altLabel "Has Body"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with its body text."""@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#hasQuote> a rdfs:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment ; rdfs:label "hasQuote" ; skos:altLabel "Has Quote"@en ; rdfs:comment """Associates a Press Release with its quotes made by company representatives, customers, and partners. """@en ; rdfs:domain <#PressRelease> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . ## Press Release Descriptions a <#PressRelease>, schema:WebPage ; rdfs:label "ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB Drivers for the World Wide Web RDBMS Press Release"@en ; schema:about ; schema:url ; <#hasHeadLine> "OpenLink Unleashes New ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE DB Drivers for the World Wide Web" ; <#hasSubHeadLine> """New High-Performance Data Access Driver Middleware turns World Wide Web into a Federated Relational Database """@en ; <#hasSituationAnalysis> """Situation Analysis Exponential growth of the Internet and World Wide Web continue to challenge the data-driven pursuit of agility by enterprises and individuals alike. Today, as has been the case for many years, data silo proliferation increasingly reduces the utility of existing productivity tools (such as spreadsheets, business intelligence report writers, document editors, development environments, and others) as well as a new generation of mobile applications running on smartphones, tablets, and wearables (e.g., wrist watches) while also increasing data access, integration, and dissemination costs. """@en ; <#hasBody> """OpenLink Software, Inc., an innovative technology leader in high performance data access, integration, virtualization, and native data management, today introduced a new collection of high-performance, secure, and cross-platform drivers for Open Database & Open Data Connectivity that turn the World Wide Web into a federated relational database that's accessible from any existing ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, or OLE DB compliant application or service. The new LOD Cloud Connectivity Drivers, a client-only component of OpenLink Virtuoso, delivers an unrivalled data access driver solution that turns any Virtuoso instance (Personal, Enterprise, or Cloud-hosted) into a powerful data-junction-box for the World Wide Web, providing federated access to the massive data resources of the World Wide Web and its Linked Open Data enclave. In this new data access frontier, hundreds of data sources (including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn) become directly accessible by ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE DB compliant tools, through the same familiar interfaces used to access SQL RDBMS-hosted databases provided by the likes of Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Ingress, Progress, MySQL, and many others. """@en ; <#hasQuote> """Exposing the World Wide Web as a federated relational [Tables & Property Graphs] database, accessible by both SQL and SPARQL, has been a fundamental goal of ours since the Web explosion -- said Kingsley Idehen, Founder & CEO, OpenLink Software. """@en ; <#hasQuote> """Every industry inflection, in regards to data access, interaction, integration, or management, provides an opportunity for OpenLink Software to demonstrate its technology innovation prowess and leadership. The World Wide Web, the Social Media realm it's spawned, and today's Big Linked Open Data phenomena are no different -- he added. """@en ; rdfs:seeAlso ; xhv:related , , , , , , , , , , , . a <#PressRelease>, schema:WebPage ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso 7.2 Press Release" ; schema:about ; schema:url ; <#hasHeadLine> "OpenLink Unleashes Update To Semantically-Aware Column-Store For Handling Big Data Challenges"@en ; <#hasSubHeadLine> """Virtuoso 7.2 Enhances Massively Scalable Hybrid (Relational Tables & RDF Property/Predicate Graphs) DBMS For Secure, High-Performance, Big Data Management and Integration Challenges. """@en ; <#hasBody> """OpenLink Software, Inc., today unveiled the latest, most advanced version of the Virtuoso hybrid data management system, further expanding their cost-effective, secure, cross-platform, high-performance, and massively-scalable solution to the challenge of performing and disseminating insightful analytics over Big, Small, and Diverse Data. This latest product release delivers record setting performance, scalability, and agility, alongside unrivaled security sophistication. Major Updates include: Enhanced 3rd Party Storage Services Integration -- 3rd Party Storage Services (e.g., Dropbox, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Rackspace, etc.) are mountable and un-mountable (asynchronously) to Virtuoso's HTTP/WebDAV based File Server layer. This feature enables end-user level exploitation of open standards for Web-scale Verifiable Identity (e.g., PKIX) that no longer depend on domain ownership. Loosely-coupled CSV document support -- Attachment of external, filesystem-hosted CSV Documents to Virtuoso frees users from confinement to wholesale import and export. Once attached, these CSV documents are treated like native SQL Tables, thereby enabling powerful transformations into RDF-based Linked Open Data. Net effect, enhanced data virtualization functionality that enables powerful data integration and transformation -- without losing the lightweight data definition and manipulation benefits of filesystem-hosted CSV documents. Loosely-Coupled Data Transformation Services -- Enables use of the HTTP POST method to request asynchronous transformation services to convert a myriad of structured data sources into RDF-based Linked Open Data, on the fly. Built-in Nanotation Processor -- Automatic extraction and transformation of digital sentences (using RDF-TURTLE notation) embedded in Email Messages, Online Discussion Posts, Tweets, Social Media Posts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+), HTML Body, and Plain Text documents, into RDF-based Linked Open Data, which is then stored in the host Virtuoso instance. This feature provides users with the freedom, power, and flexibility to create structured data wherever and whenever -- as long as the target destination is a content input control that supports the 'plain/text' content-type. Loosely-coupled SSL/TLS -- For enhanced security, SSL/TLS version and associated cipher selection is now configurable. Net effect, you can now explicitly disable the use of specific SSL/TLS versions (e.g., SSL/TLS 3.0, which is susceptible to the POODLE exploit). """@en ; <#hasQuote> """Virtuoso 7.2 continues to demonstrate OpenLink's profound understanding of the fundamental challenges impeding the pursuit of agility shared by individuals and enterprises alike, in regards to big, small, disparately-located, and heterogeneously-shaped data access, integration, and management -- Kingsley Idehen, Founder & CEO, OpenLink Software """@en ; <#hasQuote> """As established technology innovation leaders in these realms, none of these functionality enhancements is delivered without paying special attention to individual privacy and enterprise security -- alongside unobtrusive implementation -- he added. """@en ; rdfs:seeAlso ; xhv:related , , , , , , , , , , , .