{ @prefix skos: . @prefix : <#> . ## Terminology :LikeLevel a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "LikeLevel" ; rdfs:comment "Expresses a Like Weighting" . :like a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "like" ; rdfs:comment """Relation that associates something with an instance of a Like Weighting Level comprising an object [what's liked] and a scale """. :likeObject a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "likeObject" ; rdfs:comment "Target of Like Weighting" . :likeScale a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "likeScale" ; rdfs:comment "Weighting Scale" . ## Assertions :i :like [ a :LikeLevel; :likeObject :dogs; :likeScale 5.7] . :i :like [ a :LikeLevel; :likeObject :cats; :likeScale 2.7] . :dogs rdfs:label "dogs" . :cats rdfs:label "cats" . <> skos:related . }