{ @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : <#> . ## Definition Data (Terminology Box) ## Properties (Relations or Entity Relationship Types) :theme a rdf:Property . :agent a rdf:Property . :recipient a rdf:Property . :theme owl:equivalentProperty :item . ## Classes :Child rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person . :Event a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Event" . ## Instance Data (Assertions Box) ## That representes the fact: Sue Give(s) Sally a Book . ## Plus the use of relationship type (relations) semantics ## to aid Reasiong & Inference when invoked. [ a :Event ; :name "Give"; :agent [ a :Person; owl:sameAs :Sue ]; :theme [ a :Book ; owl:sameAs :thisBook ] ; :recipient [ a :Child ; owl:sameAs :Sally ] ] . :Gives a :Event ; schema:name "Gives" ; :agent :Sue ; :recipient :Sally ; :item :thisBook . :thisBook schema:name "About Language & Logic" . :Sue a foaf:Person . :Sally foaf:name "Sally" . }