Here is a possible RDF rendition of the given text using Turtle Notation, terms from, and hash-based relative hyperlinks for subject and object denotation: ```turtle ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix xsd: . _:course a schema:Course ; schema:name "Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications" ; schema:instructor _:professor ; schema:description """ Even though it affects our lives every single day, most of us have no idea what a knowledge graph is. Asking Alexa about the weather tomorrow or searching for the latest news on climate change via Google, knowledge graphs constitute the backbone of today’s state-of-the-art information systems. From improving search results over question answering and recommender systems up to explainable AI systems, the applications of knowledge graphs are manyfold. Overall, the goal of this course is to provide a broad overview of knowledge graphs and their underlying technologies as well as their significance in today's digital world. """ ; schema:startDate "2023-10-11"^^xsd:date ; schema:endDate "2023-11-21"^^xsd:date ; schema:inLanguage "English" ; schema:educationalLevel "Expert" . _:professor a schema:Person ; schema:name "Prof. Dr. Harald Sack" . _:courseInfo a schema:CreativeWork ; schema:name "Course information" ; schema:text """ A **knowledge graph** is a structured representation of knowledge that is used to provide a comprehensive and interconnected view of a specific domain. In this course we will discuss the key features and characteristics of knowledge graphs. You will learn all what is necessary to design, implement, and apply knowledge graphs. The focus of this course will be on basic semantic technologies including the underlying principles of **knowledge representation** and symbolic AI. This includes information encoding via **RDF** triples, knowledge representation via ontologies with **OWL**, efficiently querying knowledge graphs via **SPARQL**, latent representation of knowledge in vector spaces, as well as **knowledge graph applications** in innovative information systems, as e.g., semantic and exploratory search. Furthermore the role of knowledge graphs in **artificial intelligence** and machine learning will be discussed, as well as their potential to improve **explain """ . ## Turtle End ## ``` Is this what you were looking for? Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/23/2023(1) Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia. Accessed 2/23/2023. (2) Blank node - Wikipedia. Accessed 2/23/2023. (3) RDF 1.1 Turtle - W3. Accessed 2/23/2023. (4) Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language - W3. Accessed 2/23/2023. (5) Data Model - Accessed 2/23/2023. Here is a possible JSON-LD rendition of the given text using terms from This is the corrected from since the code generated by default was incorrect due to: 1. rather than declaration via @context 2. Generated triple-quoted literals which isn't supported by JSON-LD ```json ## JSON-LD Start ## { "@context": "", "@type": "Course", "name": "Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications", "instructor": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Prof. Dr. Harald Sack" }, "description": "Even though it affects our lives every single day, most of us have no idea what a knowledge graph is. Asking Alexa about the weather tomorrow or searching for the latest news on climate change via Google, knowledge graphs constitute the backbone of today’s state-of-the-art information systems. From improving search results over question answering and recommender systems up to explainable AI systems, the applications of knowledge graphs are manyfold. Overall, the goal of this course is to provide a broad overview of knowledge graphs and their underlying technologies as well as their significance in today's digital world.", "startDate": "2023-10-11", "endDate": "2023-11-21", "inLanguage": "English", "educationalLevel": "Expert", "hasPart": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "name": "Course information", "text": "A **knowledge graph** is a structured representation of knowledge that is used to provide a comprehensive and interconnected view of a specific domain. In this course we will discuss the key features and characteristics of knowledge graphs. You will learn all what is necessary to design, implement, and apply knowledge graphs. The focus of this course will be on basic semantic technologies including the underlying principles of **knowledge representation** and symbolic AI. This includes information encoding via **RDF** triples, knowledge representation via ontologies with **OWL**, efficiently querying knowledge graphs via **SPARQL**, latent representation of knowledge in vector spaces, as well as **knowledge graph applications** in innovative information systems, as e.g., semantic and exploratory search. Furthermore the role of knowledge graphs in **artificial intelligence** and machine learning will be discussed, as well as their potential to improve **explain" } } ## JSON-LD End ## ``` Is this what you were looking for? Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/23/2023(1) Use JSON-LD to add data to your website • Yoast. Accessed 2/23/2023. (2) Tutorial: JSON-LD with - IONOS. Accessed 2/23/2023. (3) Developers - Accessed 2/23/2023. (4) A Guide to JSON-LD for Beginners - Moz. Accessed 2/23/2023. (5) JSON Schema,, JSON-LD: What’s the Difference?. Accessed 2/23/2023.