Q: Generate entity descriptions using RDF-Turtle from the text that follows, using the following guidelines 1. Use terms from Schema.org 1. Use schema:additionalProperty to handle product features 1. Include image references 1. Denote subjects and objects using relative hash-based hyperlinks and @base set to https://www.superblocks.com/pricing 1. Output response to a code-block 1. Place `## Turtle Start ##` and `## Turtle End ##` around the code within the code-block 1. Describe the first product and associated offer combination. Free For individual developers and small teams building critical internal tools Features * Up to 5 users * Build unlimited Apps * Build unlimited Workflows & Scheduled Jobs * Integrate with any API and Database * Make apps publicly available [ Get started ](https://app.superblockshq.com/signup?utm_source=pricing&utm_medium=website) Pro $ 49 per Creator Develop Apps, Workflows and Scheduled Jobs per month **$15** per Standard User Unlimited access to consume Superblocks apps **$5** per Light User Consume Superblocks apps occasionally, up to 5 days per month For growing businesses managing internal tools across teams Everything in Free plus * Add unlimited users * Staging and Production Integration Profiles * Version Control [ Try it free ](https://app.superblockshq.com/signup?utm_source=pricing&utm_medium=website) Enterprise Custom For businesses with advanced, security, management and support needs Everything in Pro plus * Single-Sign-On / SAML * Granular permissions and groups (RBAC) * Automatically sync user groups with IdP * Git-based source control * Unlimited custom integration profiles * Audit Logging * User Analytics & Production Observability * Custom Components * Dedicated CSM & Technical Support from a Superblocks Engineer A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Free> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Free" ; schema:description "For individual developers and small teams building critical internal tools" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#FreeOffer> ; schema:additionalProperty <#BuildUnlimitedApps>, <#BuildUnlimitedWorkflows>, <#IntegrateAPIandDB>, <#MakeAppsPublic> . <#BuildUnlimitedApps> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Build unlimited Apps" . <#BuildUnlimitedWorkflows> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Build unlimited Workflows & Scheduled Jobs" . <#IntegrateAPIandDB> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Integrate with any API and Database" . <#MakeAppsPublic> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Make apps publicly available" . <#FreeOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "0" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:IndividualCustomer ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:minValue 1 ; schema:maxValue 5 ; schema:unitText "User" ] . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat, for the next product and offer combination. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Pro> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Pro" ; schema:description "For growing businesses managing internal tools across teams" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#ProCreatorOffer>, <#ProStandardUserOffer>, <#ProLightUserOffer> ; schema:additionalProperty <#ProAddUnlimitedUsers>, <#ProStagingAndProduction>, <#ProVersionControl> . <#ProAddUnlimitedUsers> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Add unlimited users" . <#ProStagingAndProduction> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Staging and Production Integration Profiles" . <#ProVersionControl> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Version Control" . <#ProCreatorOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "49" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:BusinessCustomer ; schema:priceSpecification [ a schema:PriceSpecification ; schema:billingIncrement 1 ; schema:price "49" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:unitText "Creator per month" ] . <#ProStandardUserOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "15" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:BusinessCustomer ; schema:priceSpecification [ a schema:PriceSpecification ; schema:billingIncrement 1 ; schema:price "15" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:unitText "Standard User per month" ] . <#ProLightUserOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "5" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:BusinessCustomer ; schema:priceSpecification [ a schema:PriceSpecification ; schema:billingIncrement 1 ; schema:price "5" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:unitText "Light User per month" ] . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat, for the next product and offer combination. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Enterprise> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Enterprise" ; schema:description "For businesses with advanced, security, management and support needs" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#EnterpriseOffer> ; schema:additionalProperty <#EnterpriseSSO>, <#EnterpriseRBAC>, <#EnterpriseSyncUserGroups>, <#EnterpriseGitSourceControl>, <#EnterpriseCustomIntegrationProfiles>, <#EnterpriseAuditLogging>, <#EnterpriseUserAnalytics>, <#EnterpriseCustomComponents>, <#EnterpriseDedicatedCSM> . <#EnterpriseSSO> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Single-Sign-On / SAML" . <#EnterpriseRBAC> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Granular permissions and groups (RBAC)" . <#EnterpriseSyncUserGroups> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Automatically sync user groups with IdP" . <#EnterpriseGitSourceControl> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Git-based source control" . <#EnterpriseCustomIntegrationProfiles> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Unlimited custom integration profiles" . <#EnterpriseAuditLogging> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Audit Logging" . <#EnterpriseUserAnalytics> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "User Analytics & Production Observability" . <#EnterpriseCustomComponents> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Custom Components" . <#EnterpriseDedicatedCSM> a schema:PropertyValue ; schema:name "Dedicated CSM & Technical Support from a Superblocks Engineer" . <#EnterpriseOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:priceSpecification [ a schema:PriceSpecification ; schema:price "Custom" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:unitText "Contact for pricing" ] ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:BusinessCustomer . ## Turtle End ##