Q: Generate an RDF-Turtle based FAQ description from the text that follows, using the following guidelines 1. FAQ Document Title is to be deduced from the main heading and it needs to be associated with questions and answers 1. Use terms from Schema.org 1. Denote subjects and objects using relative hash-based hyperlinks and @base set to https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/isupplier-faqs/ 1. Output response to a code-block 1. Place `## Turtle Start ##` and `## Turtle End ##` around the code within the code-block 1. Describe the first three questions and answers combination. # iSupplier FAQs ### Multi-factor authentication (MFA) questions: What is MFA? MFA adds an extra layer of security to the iSupplier login process by requiring users to verify their identity with two or more pieces of evidence (or “factors”) to prove they are who they say they are. One factor is something the user knows, such as their username and password combination. Other factors are *verification methods* that the user has, like the code from an authenticator app on a cell phone. A familiar example of MFA at work is the two factors needed to withdraw money from an ATM. Your ATM card is the “something you have” and your PIN is the “something you know.” ## Why am I required to use MFA to log in to iSupplier? In today’s security landscape, threats are growing increasingly common and more sophisticated. The types of attacks that can cripple businesses and exploit consumers are on the rise. MFA can prevent some of the most common types of attacks. Using usernames and passwords alone does not provide sufficient protection because it’s easy for bad actors to exploit weak or reused passwords. MFA ties user access to multiple, *different* types of authentication factors, making it much harder for common threats like phishing attacks or credential stuffing to succeed — which ultimately makes your iSupplier environment safer from unauthorized access by bad actors. For example, even if a user’s password is stolen, the odds are very low that an attacker will also be able to guess or hack the code from a user’s authentication app on their cell phone. Additionally, DOE cyber requirements mandate Sandia utilizes MFA for external facing services. ## Can I turn off MFA for iSupplier? No, MFA is the standard login process for access to iSupplier and is required to help keep your account secure. ## How do I reset my MFA Password? 1. On the iSupplier sign in page click the **Forgot password/new user setup** link. 2. Enter the email address associated to your account(s) and click the **Send verification code** button. 3. You will receive an email from Microsoft on behalf of iSupplier with a **verification code**. Enter the verification code in the textbox and click the **Verify code** button. 4. Your email address will be verified. Click the **Continue** button. 5. Enter a new password in the **New Password** and **Confirm New Password** fields. 6. Click **Continue** to save the new password. 7. Click **Return to Login** to login with your new password. Screen shots of the steps are available in the [iSupplier MFA Help Guide](https://www.sandia.gov/app/uploads/sites/113/2023/03/iSupplier-MFA-Help-Guide.pdf). ## Why am I not receiving my MFA email verification messages? Multi-factor authentication email verification messages with verification codes will originate from Microsoft on behalf of iSupplier <[msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com](mailto:msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com)>. If you have not received your activation email, you will need to update your spam filters to whitelist all messages from [msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com](mailto:msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com) to your inbox. If you continue to have issues with your activation email, contact [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov). ## What should I do if the device I use for MFA is lost, stolen, or destroyed? Contact [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov) and provide your login username and the supplier under which you are registered. ### General iSupplier questions: How do I get access to the iSupplier? The first step is to be a [Registered Supplier](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/prospective-suppliers/supplier-registration/) with Sandia. If you have registered and still don’t have an account, you can work with [Supplier Data Management](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov) to request an iSupplier account. Additionally, if you have a co-worker who has an iSupplier account for your company, they can request an account for you by first adding you as a contact and then requesting an account. See steps for adding contacts in the [How to manage your iSupplier Account](https://www.sandia.gov/files/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/_assets/documents/Managing_Your_iSupplier_Profile.pdf) help guide. ## This is my first time logging into iSupplier. What should I do? Follow the steps outlined in the [iSupplier MFA Help Guide](https://www.sandia.gov/app/uploads/sites/113/2023/03/iSupplier-MFA-Help-Guide.pdf). ## What is my username? Your username will default to the email address you provided at the Sandia supplier registration process or during the supplier contact creation process. ## The Forgot Password link isn’t working, what do I do now? Contact the iSupplier MFA technical team at [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov). ## My account has been locked, how do I unlock it? After 10 unsuccessful sign-in attempts, your account will be locked to protect against illegitimate access attempts. Email [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov) to request that your account be unlocked and provide the url of your iSupplier login web page. ## I have not received my iSupplier activation email. What should I do? Once your iSupplier account has been created, the initial FYI email containing login details will come from [wforacle@sandia.gov](mailto:wforacle@sandia.gov). Check your junk/spam folders for the message if you can’t find your activation email. If you have not received your activation email, you will need to update your spam filters to whitelist all messages from [wforacle@sandia.gov](mailto:wforacle@sandia.gov) to your inbox. If you still have issue with your activation email, contact [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov). ## My name and/or email address has changed. How can I update it? Name and/or email address changes can be updated in your supplier contact record. 1. On the iSupplier home page, navigate to the **Admin** tab near the top portion of the page. 2. On the **Admin** page, there is a menu on the left. Select the **Contacts** in the menu. 3. The list of contacts will appear. Find your contact and click the **Edit icon** (pencil icon). 4. On the **Edit Contact** page, make your changes to your name or email and click the save button. 5. Supplier Data Management will receive a notification that you have requested a change to your contact record. They will review the changes and approve or deny the requested change. If you don’t see the changes reflected in 48 hours, contact [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov). ## Where can I get information on managing my iSupplier account? Information and additional resources may be found on our [current suppliers](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/) page. ## Where can I get information on invoicing? Information may be found on our [accounts payable](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/accounts-payable/) and [invoice review](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/invoice-review-process/) pages. ## Where can I get information on performing an AEA Certification? AEA resources, including iSupplier navigation instructions, are available on our [AEA suppliers](https://www.sandia.gov/aeasuppliers) page. ## Where can I get information on responding to a BOW request? Information about Sandia’s Business Opportunities Website (BOW) may be found on our [business opportunities](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/prospective-suppliers/business-opportunities/) page. ## Where can I get information on Certified Payroll? Information may be found on our [construction and facilities](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/construction-and-facilites/) page. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#> a schema:FAQPage ; schema:name "iSupplier FAQs" ; schema:mainEntity <#Q1>, <#Q2>, <#Q3> . <#Q1> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What is MFA?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A1> . <#A1> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """MFA adds an extra layer of security to the iSupplier login process by requiring users to verify their identity with two or more pieces of evidence (or “factors”) to prove they are who they say they are. One factor is something the user knows, such as their username and password combination. Other factors are *verification methods* that the user has, like the code from an authenticator app on a cell phone. A familiar example of MFA at work is the two factors needed to withdraw money from an ATM. Your ATM card is the 'something you have' and your PIN is the 'something you know'.”"" . <#Q2> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Why am I required to use MFA to log in to iSupplier?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A2> . <#A2> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """In today’s security landscape, threats are growing increasingly common and more sophisticated. The types of attacks that can cripple businesses and exploit consumers are on the rise. MFA can prevent some of the most common types of attacks. Using usernames and passwords alone does not provide sufficient protection because it’s easy for bad actors to exploit weak or reused passwords. MFA ties user access to multiple, *different* types of authentication factors, making it much harder for common threats like phishing attacks or credential stuffing to succeed — which ultimately makes your iSupplier environment safer from unauthorized access by bad actors. For example, even if a user’s password is stolen, the odds are very low that an attacker will also be able to guess or hack the code from a user’s authentication app on their cell phone. Additionally, DOE cyber requirements mandate Sandia utilizes MFA for external facing services.""" . <#Q3> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Can I turn off MFA for iSupplier?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A3> . <#A3> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "No, MFA is the standard login process for access to iSupplier and is required to help keep your account secure." . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next three questions and answers combinations. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Q4> a schema:Question ; schema:name "How do I reset my MFA Password?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A4> . <#A4> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """1. On the iSupplier sign in page click the **Forgot password/new user setup** link. 2. Enter the email address associated to your account(s) and click the **Send verification code** button. 3. You will receive an email from Microsoft on behalf of iSupplier with a **verification code**. Enter the verification code in the textbox and click the **Verify code** button. 4. Your email address will be verified. Click the **Continue** button. 5. Enter a new password in the **New Password** and **Confirm New Password** fields. 6. Click **Continue** to save the new password. 7. Click **Return to Login** to login with your new password.""" . <#Q5> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Why am I not receiving my MFA email verification messages?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A5> . <#A5> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """Multi-factor authentication email verification messages with verification codes will originate from Microsoft on behalf of iSupplier <[msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com](mailto:msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com)>. If you have not received your activation email, you will need to update your spam filters to whitelist all messages from [msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com](mailto:msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com) to your inbox. If you continue to have issues with your activation email, contact [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov).""" . <#Q6> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What should I do if the device I use for MFA is lost, stolen, or destroyed?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A6> . <#A6> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Contact [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov) and provide your login username and the supplier under which you are registered." . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next three questions and answers combinations. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Q7> a schema:Question ; schema:name "How do I get access to the iSupplier?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A7> . <#A7> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """The first step is to be a [Registered Supplier](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/prospective-suppliers/supplier-registration/) with Sandia. If you have registered and still don’t have an account, you can work with [Supplier Data Management](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov) to request an iSupplier account. Additionally, if you have a co-worker who has an iSupplier account for your company, they can request an account for you by first adding you as a contact and then requesting an account. See steps for adding contacts in the [How to manage your iSupplier Account](https://www.sandia.gov/files/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/_assets/documents/Managing_Your_iSupplier_Profile.pdf) help guide.""" . <#Q8> a schema:Question ; schema:name "This is my first time logging into iSupplier. What should I do?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A8> . <#A8> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Follow the steps outlined in the [iSupplier MFA Help Guide](https://www.sandia.gov/app/uploads/sites/113/2023/03/iSupplier-MFA-Help-Guide.pdf)." . <#Q9> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What is my username?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A9> . <#A9> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Your username will default to the email address you provided at the Sandia supplier registration process or during the supplier contact creation process." . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next three questions and answers combinations. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Q10> a schema:Question ; schema:name "The Forgot Password link isn’t working, what do I do now?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A10> . <#A10> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Contact the iSupplier MFA technical team at [iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov](mailto:iSupplierMFAHelp@sandia.gov)." . <#Q11> a schema:Question ; schema:name "My account has been locked, how do I unlock it?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A11> . <#A11> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """After 10 unsuccessful sign-in attempts, your account will be locked to protect against illegitimate access attempts. Email [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov) to request that your account be unlocked and provide the url of your iSupplier login web page.""" . <#Q12> a schema:Question ; schema:name "I have not received my iSupplier activation email. What should I do?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A12> . <#A12> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """Once your iSupplier account has been created, the initial FYI email containing login details will come from [wforacle@sandia.gov](mailto:wforacle@sandia.gov). Check your junk/spam folders for the message if you can’t find your activation email. If you have not received your activation email, you will need to update your spam filters to whitelist all messages from [wforacle@sandia.gov](mailto:wforacle@sandia.gov) to your inbox. If you still have issue with your activation email, contact [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov).""" . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next three questions and answers combinations. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Q13> a schema:Question ; schema:name "My name and/or email address has changed. How can I update it?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A13> . <#A13> a schema:Answer ; schema:text """Name and/or email address changes can be updated in your supplier contact record. 1. On the iSupplier home page, navigate to the **Admin** tab near the top portion of the page. 2. On the **Admin** page, there is a menu on the left. Select the **Contacts** in the menu. 3. The list of contacts will appear. Find your contact and click the **Edit icon** (pencil icon). 4. On the **Edit Contact** page, make your changes to your name or email and click the save button. 5. Supplier Data Management will receive a notification that you have requested a change to your contact record. They will review the changes and approve or deny the requested change. If you don’t see the changes reflected in 48 hours, contact [supreg@sandia.gov](mailto:supreg@sandia.gov).""" . <#Q14> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Where can I get information on managing my iSupplier account?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A14> . <#A14> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information and additional resources may be found on our [current suppliers](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/) page." . <#Q15> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Where can I get information on invoicing?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A15> . <#A15> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information may be found on our [accounts payable](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/accounts-payable/) and [invoice review](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/invoice-review-process/) pages." . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next three questions and answers combinations. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#Q16> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Where can I get information on performing an AEA Certification?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A16> . <#A16> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "AEA resources, including iSupplier navigation instructions, are available on our [AEA suppliers](https://www.sandia.gov/aeasuppliers) page." . <#Q17> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Where can I get information on responding to a BOW request?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A17> . <#A17> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about Sandia’s Business Opportunities Website (BOW) may be found on our [business opportunities](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/prospective-suppliers/business-opportunities/) page." . <#Q18> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Where can I get information on Certified Payroll?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#A18> . <#A18> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information may be found on our [construction and facilities](https://www.sandia.gov/working-with-sandia/current-suppliers/construction-and-facilites/) page." . ## Turtle End ##