Q: Generate entity descriptions using RDF-Turtle from the text that follows, using the following guidelines 1. Use terms from Schema.org 1. Index each step and add continuation via next step related attributes 1. Include image references 1. Denote subjects and objects using relative hash-based hyperlinks and @base set to https://www.rewind.ai/pricing 1. Output response to a code-block 1. Place `## Turtle Start ##` and `## Turtle End ##` around the code within the code-block 1. Describe the first product and associated offer combination. # Pricing [ Yearly Save 16% ](https://www.rewind.ai/pricing#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-0)[ Monthly ](https://www.rewind.ai/pricing#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-1) ## Rewind Free Free Easiest way to try Rewind [ Download Rewind ](https://download.rewind.ai/Rewind.dmg) This includes: 50 Total Rewinds Unlimited Recordings Unlimited Transcription Unlimited Devices Automatic Updates (~11 per day) No Credit Card Required ## Rewind Basic $10per month billed yearly Best for occasional users [ Subscribe ](https://buy.stripe.com/8wMbM2cQ3dNPdwY4gC) This includes: 10 Rewinds Per Month Unlimited Recordings Unlimited Transcription Unlimited Devices Automatic Updates (~11 per day) Basic Customer Support ## Rewind Pro $30per month billed yearly Best for power users [ Subscribe ](https://buy.stripe.com/4gw9DUeYb7prdwY4gE) This includes: Unlimited Rewinds Unlimited Recordings Unlimited Transcription Unlimited Devices Automatic Updates (~11 per day) Priority Customer Support Priority Access to New Features (like [Ask Rewind](https://www.rewind.ai/ask-rewind)) CEO's Cell Phone Number # FAQ What's a "rewind"? Each time you open Rewind you can go back in time or search as much as you want and it only counts as one "rewind". How do I cancel, change plans, or change credit cards? [Click here](https://checkout.rewind.ai/p/login/bIY8xa7qngE4caQfYY) to manage an existing subscription. Will I get the 50 free rewinds that comes with Rewind Free if I subscribe to Rewind Basic or Rewind Pro? Yes! If you subscribe to Rewind Basic you will get 50 free rewinds before your monthly rewinds are consumed. Rewind Pro comes with unlimited rewinds. What hardware is required to run Rewind? Currently, we only support Apple Silicon (M1 or M2). Rewind utilizes virtually every part of Apple Silicon System on a Chip (SoC). Using Rewind on Apple Silicon ensures Rewind doesn’t tax system resources, like CPU and memory, while recording. To see a list of Macs running Apple Silicon, visit [this page from Apple](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211814). A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix rdf: . @base . <#RewindFree> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Rewind Free" ; schema:description "Easiest way to try Rewind" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#Free> . <#Free> a schema:Offer ; schema:name "Rewind Free" ; schema:price "0" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:Everyone ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:includesObject <#FreeFeatures> . <#FreeFeatures> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "50" ; schema:unitText "Total Rewinds" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedRecordings> . <#UnlimitedRecordings> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Recordings" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedTranscription> . <#UnlimitedTranscription> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Transcription" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedDevices> . <#UnlimitedDevices> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Devices" ; schema:nextItem <#AutomaticUpdates> . <#AutomaticUpdates> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "~11" ; schema:unitText "Updates per day" ; schema:nextItem <#NoCreditCard> . <#NoCreditCard> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Not Required" ; schema:unitText "Credit Card" . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next Product and Offer combination, if any. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix rdf: . @base . <#RewindBasic> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Rewind Basic" ; schema:description "Best for occasional users" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#Basic> . <#Basic> a schema:Offer ; schema:name "Rewind Basic" ; schema:price "10" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:OccasionalUser ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:includesObject <#BasicFeatures> . <#BasicFeatures> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "10" ; schema:unitText "Rewinds Per Month" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedRecordingsBasic> . <#UnlimitedRecordingsBasic> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Recordings" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedTranscriptionBasic> . <#UnlimitedTranscriptionBasic> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Transcription" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedDevicesBasic> . <#UnlimitedDevicesBasic> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Devices" ; schema:nextItem <#AutomaticUpdatesBasic> . <#AutomaticUpdatesBasic> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "~11" ; schema:unitText "Updates per day" ; schema:nextItem <#BasicCustomerSupport> . <#BasicCustomerSupport> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Basic" ; schema:unitText "Customer Support" . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next Product and Offer combination, if any. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix rdf: . @base . <#RewindPro> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Rewind Pro" ; schema:description "Best for power users" ; schema:image ; schema:offers <#Pro> . <#Pro> a schema:Offer ; schema:name "Rewind Pro" ; schema:price "30" ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:eligibleCustomerType schema:PowerUser ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:includesObject <#ProFeatures> . <#ProFeatures> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Rewinds" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedRecordingsPro> . <#UnlimitedRecordingsPro> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Recordings" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedTranscriptionPro> . <#UnlimitedTranscriptionPro> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Transcription" ; schema:nextItem <#UnlimitedDevicesPro> . <#UnlimitedDevicesPro> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Unlimited" ; schema:unitText "Devices" ; schema:nextItem <#AutomaticUpdatesPro> . <#AutomaticUpdatesPro> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "~11" ; schema:unitText "Updates per day" ; schema:nextItem <#PriorityCustomerSupport> . <#PriorityCustomerSupport> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Priority" ; schema:unitText "Customer Support" ; schema:nextItem <#PriorityAccessToNewFeatures> . <#PriorityAccessToNewFeatures> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "Priority Access" ; schema:unitText "New Features" ; schema:nextItem <#CEOsCellPhoneNumber> . <#CEOsCellPhoneNumber> a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:amountOfThisGood "1" ; schema:unitText "CEO's Cell Phone Number" . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat, but for the FAQ related content. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix rdf: . @base . <#FAQ> a schema:FAQPage ; schema:mainEntity <#WhatisRewind> . <#WhatisRewind> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What's a \"rewind\"?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#RewindAnswer> . <#RewindAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Each time you open Rewind you can go back in time or search as much as you want and it only counts as one \"rewind\"." ; schema:nextItem <#HowToCancel> . <#HowToCancel> a schema:Question ; schema:name "How do I cancel, change plans, or change credit cards?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#CancelAnswer> . <#CancelAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Click here to manage an existing subscription." ; schema:url ; schema:nextItem <#FreeRewinds> . <#FreeRewinds> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Will I get the 50 free rewinds that comes with Rewind Free if I subscribe to Rewind Basic or Rewind Pro?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#FreeRewindsAnswer> . <#FreeRewindsAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Yes! If you subscribe to Rewind Basic you will get 50 free rewinds before your monthly rewinds are consumed. Rewind Pro comes with unlimited rewinds." ; schema:nextItem <#HardwareRequirements> . <#HardwareRequirements> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What hardware is required to run Rewind?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#HardwareAnswer> . <#HardwareAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Currently, we only support Apple Silicon (M1 or M2). Rewind utilizes virtually every part of Apple Silicon System on a Chip (SoC). Using Rewind on Apple Silicon ensures Rewind doesn’t tax system resources, like CPU and memory, while recording. To see a list of Macs running Apple Silicon, visit this page from Apple." ; schema:url . ## Turtle End ##