Q: Generate entity descriptions using RDF-Turtle from the text that follows, using the following guidelines 1. Use terms from Schema.org 1. Index each step and add continuation via next step related attributes 1. Include image references 1. Denote subjects and objects using relative hash-based hyperlinks and @base set to https://www.paperspace.com/pricing 1. Place `## Turtle Start ##` and `## Turtle End ##` around the code within the code-block 1. Describe the first product and associated offer combination 1. Output response to a code-block ##### ML platform ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5db99670374d1d829291af4f/5ef4235c529a2b1b5be643e3_gradient-feather-HQ.png) Gradient enables individuals and teams to quickly develop, track, and collaborate on Machine Learning models of any size and complexity. [Learn more](https://www.paperspace.com/gradient). ##### Free FREE GPU For beginners, explorers, and adventurous learners $0 Plus utilization costs on paid instances * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Public projects * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) 5GB storage * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Basic instances [Get Started](https://console.paperspace.com/signup?gradient=true) MOST POPULAR ##### Pro For ML/AI engineers, data scientists, and researchers $8 per month Plus utilization costs on paid instances * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Private projects * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) 15GB storage * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Mid-range instances * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Faster free GPUs 🚀 [Get Started](https://console.paperspace.com/signup?gradient=true) ##### Growth For teams, research groups, & startups $39 per month Plus utilization costs on paid instances * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Private projects * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) 50GB storage * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) High-end instances * ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg) Expert Support [Get Started](https://console.paperspace.com/signup?gradient=true) ##### [Compare features](https://www.paperspace.com/gradient/pricing) ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5db99670374d1d829291af4f/63a123ae468beb4b3b073918_external-link-ltr-invert.svg.png) ##### Enterprise? Host Gradient on your own infrastructure and run without limits. Schedule time with a product specialist to learn more about our custom plans. [Contact Sales](https://www.paperspace.com/contact-sales) [ View plan details ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a9903bc09326d31_icon-chevron-right.svg)](https://www.paperspace.com/gradient/pricing) [ View hosted instance pricing ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a9903bc09326d31_icon-chevron-right.svg)](https://docs.paperspace.com/gradient/machines/#cpu-machines) [ Learn more about managed & self-hosting Gradient ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a9903bc09326d31_icon-chevron-right.svg)](https://www.paperspace.com/gradient/self-hosted) ##### Common Questions ### FAQs ##### How does pricing work? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### What forms of payment do you accept? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### When will I be billed? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### What's the difference between individual & team plans? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### How do I cancel my account? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### Can I set a billing alert or limit? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### Do you offer refunds? ![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99038647326dd3_icon-chevron-right-small-white.svg) ##### Is private data shared with third parties or advertisers? A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix xsd: . @base . <#Gradient> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Gradient" ; schema:image "https://assets-global.website-files.com/5db99670374d1d829291af4f/5ef4235c529a2b1b5be643e3_gradient-feather-HQ.png" ; schema:description "Gradient enables individuals and teams to quickly develop, track, and collaborate on Machine Learning models of any size and complexity." ; schema:url . <#Free> a schema:Product ; schema:name "FREE GPU" ; schema:description "For beginners, explorers, and adventurous learners" ; schema:isRelatedTo <#Gradient> ; schema:offers <#FreeOffer> . <#FreeOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "0"^^xsd:float ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "5"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "GB storage" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Public projects" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Basic instances" ] ; schema:includesObject [ a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:typeOfGood [ a schema:Service ; schema:image "https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg" ] ; schema:amountOfThisGood "1"^^xsd:float ] . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next Product and Offer combination, if any. A: ## Turtle Start ## <#Pro> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Pro" ; schema:description "For ML/AI engineers, data scientists, and researchers" ; schema:isRelatedTo <#Gradient> ; schema:offers <#ProOffer> . <#ProOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "8"^^xsd:float ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "15"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "GB storage" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Private projects" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Mid-range instances" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Faster free GPUs" ] ; schema:includesObject [ a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:typeOfGood [ a schema:Service ; schema:image "https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg" ] ; schema:amountOfThisGood "1"^^xsd:float ] . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat for the next Product and Offer combination, if any. A: ## Turtle Start ## <#Growth> a schema:Product ; schema:name "Growth" ; schema:description "For teams, research groups, & startups" ; schema:isRelatedTo <#Gradient> ; schema:offers <#GrowthOffer> . <#GrowthOffer> a schema:Offer ; schema:price "39"^^xsd:float ; schema:priceCurrency "USD" ; schema:availability schema:InStock ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "50"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "GB storage" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Private projects" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "High-end instances" ] ; schema:eligibleQuantity [ a schema:QuantitativeValue ; schema:value "1"^^xsd:float ; schema:unitText "Expert Support" ] ; schema:includesObject [ a schema:TypeAndQuantityNode ; schema:typeOfGood [ a schema:Service ; schema:image "https://assets-global.website-files.com/5eaa1464031f7c15343019ee/5eaa14654a99037004326d7c_icon-check-small.svg" ] ; schema:amountOfThisGood "1"^^xsd:float ] . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat, but for the first 5 questions associated with FAQ related content. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#FAQ> a schema:FAQPage ; schema:mainEntity <#PricingQuestion>, <#PaymentQuestion>, <#BillingQuestion>, <#PlanChangeQuestion>, <#IndividualVsTeamQuestion> . <#PricingQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "How does pricing work?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#PricingAnswer> ; schema:position 1 . <#PricingAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Pricing information is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#PaymentQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What forms of payment do you accept?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#PaymentAnswer> ; schema:position 2 . <#PaymentAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Payment methods information is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#BillingQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "When will I be billed?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#BillingAnswer> ; schema:position 3 . <#BillingAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Billing information is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#PlanChangeQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#PlanChangeAnswer> ; schema:position 4 . <#PlanChangeAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about upgrading or downgrading plans is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#IndividualVsTeamQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "What's the difference between individual & team plans?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#IndividualVsTeamAnswer> ; schema:position 5 . <#IndividualVsTeamAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about the difference between individual and team plans is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . ## Turtle End ## Q: Repeat, but for the next 5 questions associated with FAQ related content -- if any. A: ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @base . <#FAQ> a schema:FAQPage ; schema:mainEntity <#AccountCancellationQuestion>, <#BillingAlertQuestion>, <#RefundQuestion>, <#DataSharingQuestion> . <#AccountCancellationQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "How do I cancel my account?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#AccountCancellationAnswer> ; schema:position 6 . <#AccountCancellationAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about canceling your account is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#BillingAlertQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Can I set a billing alert or limit?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#BillingAlertAnswer> ; schema:position 7 . <#BillingAlertAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about setting billing alerts or limits is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#RefundQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Do you offer refunds?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#RefundAnswer> ; schema:position 8 . <#RefundAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about refunds is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . <#DataSharingQuestion> a schema:Question ; schema:name "Is private data shared with third parties or advertisers?" ; schema:acceptedAnswer <#DataSharingAnswer> ; schema:position 9 . <#DataSharingAnswer> a schema:Answer ; schema:text "Information about data sharing is not provided in the text. You can find more information on their website." . ## Turtle End ##