Q: Express the following using Mermaid, but replacing foaf: based attributes with their schema: equivalents ?person foaf:givenName "Logan" . ?person foaf:familyName "Roy" . ?person schema:birthDate ?birthDate . ?person schema:birthPlace ?birthPlaceUri . ?birthPlaceUri schema:name ?birthPlace . A: graph LR person[?person] -->|schema:givenName| givenName("Logan") person -->|schema:familyName| familyName("Roy") person -->|schema:birthDate| birthDate(?birthDate) person -->|schema:birthPlace| birthPlaceUri(?birthPlaceUri) birthPlaceUri -->|schema:name| birthPlace(?birthPlace) Q: Create a Turtle rendition. A: ``` ## Turtle Start ## @prefix schema: . @prefix ex: <#> . ex:LoganRoy schema:givenName "Logan" ; schema:familyName "Roy" ; schema:birthDate "1938-10-14"^^ ; schema:birthPlace ex:DundeeScotland . ex:DundeeScotland schema:name "Dundee, Scotland" . ## Turtle End ## ```