Q: @prefix rsa: . @prefix cert: . @prefix oplcert: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix xhv: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xsig: . cert:key <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> . <./profile.ttl#identity> cert:key <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> . <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> a cert:RSAPublicKey ; cert:modulus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xsd:hexBinary ; cert:exponent "65537"^^xsd:int ; owl:sameAs , . <./profile.ttl#identity> oplcert:hasCertificate <./certificate.ttl#cert> . <./certificate.ttl#cert> a oplcert:Certificate ; oplcert:subject "/CN=Kingsley Uyi Idehen/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Newton/OU=Self-Sovereign Identity Management /O=Personal Data Space/E=kidehen@openlinksw.com" ; oplcert:issuer "/CN=Kingsley Uyi Idehen CA/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Newton/OU=Self-Sovereign Identity Management /O=Personal Data Space/E=kidehen@openlinksw.com" ; oplcert:notBefore "2023-04-01T22:14:02.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplcert:notAfter "2023-05-31T22:14:02.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; oplcert:serial "1873ee27810" ; oplcert:SAN <./profile.ttl#identity> ; oplcert:IAN <./cert_20230401_215409_CA.pem#this> ; oplcert:hasPublicKey <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> ; oplcert:fingerprint "AA56277D7D07C1A096F2CB75C37AC7EFB920FFA0" ; oplcert:fingerprint-digest "AA56277D7D07C1A096F2CB75C37AC7EFB920FFA0"^^xsig:sha1, "177FEE8A4E44A0D96D351C2C88431DA90B055C1D92E69F2364E1D633A3022D58"^^xsig:sha256 . <> a , , oplcert:Certificate ; , , oplcert:Certificate ; <#this> ; "Kingsley Uyi Idehen" ; <./profile.ttl#identity> ; <./profile.ttl#identity> ; oplcert:SAN <./profile.ttl#identity> ; oplcert:hasPublicKey <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> ; cert:key <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> . <> ; <./profile.jsonld#identity> ; <./profile_rdfa.html#identity> ; <./profile.ttl#identity> . owl:sameAs <./profile.jsonld#identity> , <./profile_rdfa.html#identity> , <./profile.ttl#identity> . <./profile.ttl#identity> <./certificate.ttl#cert> . a ; . a ; "kidehen@openlinksw.com" ; foaf:mbox ; [ a ; "Personal Data Space" ] ; [a ; "Massachusetts" ; "US" ] ; "Kingsley Uyi Idehen" . <./profile.ttl> a ; , <./profile_rdfa.html>, <./profile.jsonld> . <./profile.ttl#identity> a foaf:Agent ; foaf:mbox ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "afacf6b868e6cb36f71d2cecc6d531a26ce1f2ef" ; oplcert:owns <./certificate.ttl#cert> . <> a foaf:profileDocument , oplcert:Certificate ; rdfs:label "Profile Document Subject: Kingsley Uyi Idehen" ; foaf:primaryTopic <./profile.ttl#identity> ; oplcert:SAN <./profile.ttl#identity> ; oplcert:hasPublicKey <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> ; cert:key <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> . <> xhv:alternate ; xhv:alternate <./profile.jsonld#identity> ; xhv:alternate <./profile_rdfa.html#identity> ; xhv:alternate <./profile.ttl#identity> . owl:sameAs <./profile.jsonld#identity> , , , , , , , , , , , <./profile_rdfa.html#identity> , <./profile.ttl#identity> . <./profile.ttl#identity> xhv:alt <./certificate.ttl#cert> . Given the data above, who does the subject work for? A: The subject, Kingsley Uyi Idehen, works for an organization called "Personal Data Space". This information can be found in the following part of the provided data: turtle Copy code a ; ... [ a ; "Personal Data Space" ] ; ... Q: What's the modulus of his public key? A: The modulus of Kingsley Uyi Idehen's public key is: Copy code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his information can be found in the following part of the provided data: turtle Copy code <./public_key.ttl#PublicKey> a cert:RSAPublicKey ; cert:modulus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xsd:hexBinary ; ... Q: List web pages associated with the subject A: The associated web pages for the subject Kingsley Uyi Idehen can be found in the following part of the provided data: ## Turtle Start ## owl:sameAs <./profile.jsonld#identity> , , , , , , , , , , , <./profile_rdfa.html#identity> , <./profile.ttl#identity> . ## Turtle End ## The list of associated web pages is as follows: https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/YouID/link-in-bio-credentials-5/index.html#netid ./profile.jsonld#identity https://mastodon.social/@kidehen#identity https://glitch.com/~kidehen#identity https://kidehen.carrd.co/#identity https://kidehen.disha.page#identity https://github.com/kidehen#identity https://linkedin.com/in/kidehen#identity https://twitter.com/kidehen#identity https://linktr.ee/kidehen#identity https://facebook.com/kidehen#identity https://www.instagram.com/kidehen#identity ./profile_rdfa.html#identity ./profile.ttl#identity Q: Are those web page URLs or entity URIs? A: My apologies for the confusion. Upon closer inspection, the provided list is a combination of both web page URLs and entity URIs. Here's a breakdown: Entity URIs: ./profile.jsonld#identity ./profile_rdfa.html#identity ./profile.ttl#identity Web page URLs: https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/YouID/link-in-bio-credentials-5/index.html#netid https://mastodon.social/@kidehen#identity https://glitch.com/~kidehen#identity https://kidehen.carrd.co/#identity https://kidehen.disha.page#identity https://github.com/kidehen#identity https://linkedin.com/in/kidehen#identity https://twitter.com/kidehen#identity https://linktr.ee/kidehen#identity https://facebook.com/kidehen#identity https://www.instagram.com/kidehen#identity Please note that the Entity URIs are used to identify the subject within the context of their respective documents, while the web page URLs are the actual web pages associated with the subject. Q: Yes, but in this particular Turtle dataset a hyperlink with an appended hash indicates an Entity URI while a hyperlink without indicates a URL. Thus, redo using this clarification. A: Apologies for the misunderstanding. Based on your clarification, here's the corrected breakdown: Entity URIs: https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/YouID/link-in-bio-credentials-5/index.html#netid https://mastodon.social/@kidehen#identity https://glitch.com/~kidehen#identity https://kidehen.carrd.co/#identity https://kidehen.disha.page#identity https://github.com/kidehen#identity https://linkedin.com/in/kidehen#identity https://twitter.com/kidehen#identity https://linktr.ee/kidehen#identity https://facebook.com/kidehen#identity https://www.instagram.com/kidehen#identity Web page URLs: ./profile.jsonld#identity ./profile_rdfa.html#identity ./profile.ttl#identity In this Turtle dataset, hyperlinks with an appended hash (#) indicate Entity URIs, while hyperlinks without a hash indicate URLs. Q: In this dataset, the object (or value) of an owl:sameAs attribute (relation) is an Entity URI. Thus, redo using this clarification. A: I apologize for the confusion earlier. Based on your clarification, here's the corrected breakdown of web pages and entity URIs associated with the subject: Entity URIs: https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/YouID/link-in-bio-credentials-5/index.html#netid ./profile.jsonld#identity https://mastodon.social/@kidehen#identity https://glitch.com/~kidehen#identity https://kidehen.carrd.co/#identity https://kidehen.disha.page#identity https://github.com/kidehen#identity https://linkedin.com/in/kidehen#identity https://twitter.com/kidehen#identity https://linktr.ee/kidehen#identity https://facebook.com/kidehen#identity https://www.instagram.com/kidehen#identity ./profile_rdfa.html#identity ./profile.ttl#identity In this dataset, the object (or value) of an owl:sameAs attribute (relation) is an Entity URI. Q: Given the following triple added to the dataset: owl:sameAs <#kidehen> to the data set, what is the name of the entity denoted by <#kidehen> ? A: Given the new triple added to the dataset: bash Copy code owl:sameAs <#kidehen>. The entity denoted by <#kidehen> is the same as the entity denoted by , which is Kingsley Uyi Idehen. Q: Given the following triple added to the dataset: schema:sameAs to the data set, what is the name of the entity denoted by ? A: Given the new triple added to the dataset: bash Copy code schema:sameAs . The entity denoted by is the same as the entity denoted by , which is Kingsley Uyi Idehen. Q: Are you sure the semantics of owl:sameAs and schema:sameAs are identical? A: I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are right; the semantics of owl:sameAs and schema:sameAs are not identical. owl:sameAs is an RDF property used in the OWL ontology language, and it asserts that two entities are equivalent and refer to the same thing. It implies that all properties and relationships of one entity also apply to the other entity. schema:sameAs, on the other hand, is a property defined in the Schema.org vocabulary, and it indicates that two entities are related and may have some similarities, but they are not necessarily equivalent. It can be used to point to a URL or another resource that provides additional information about the subject but does not equate the two entities entirely. Given the new triple: bash Copy code schema:sameAs . The entity denoted by is related to the entity denoted by . However, they are not necessarily equivalent in the same way as with owl:sameAs. To determine the name of the entity denoted by , we would need more information provided in the dataset.