# ChatGPT Transcript Data Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reasoning-inference-using-british-royal-family-part-idehen/ ```turtle ## Turtle Start ## ## Entity Relationships ### TBox @prefix rel: . @prefix owl: . rel:parentOf a owl:TransitiveProperty . rel:siblingOf a owl:TransitiveProperty . <#RoyalPerson> owl:equivalentClass ; rdfs:subClassOf schema:Person, foaf:Person . ### ABox a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince William" ; rel:siblingOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Queen Mother" ; rel:parentOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Queen Elizabeth II" ; rel:parentOf ,, , ; rel:siblingOf . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Charles" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Margaret" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Anne" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Zara Phillips" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Beatrice" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#FemalePerson> ; schema:name "Princess Eugenie" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Andrew" ; rel:parentOf , . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Edward" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Harry" . a <#RoyalPerson>, <#MalePerson> ; schema:name "Prince Peter Phillips" . # Wikidata Co-references owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . owl:sameAs . ## Turtle End ## ``` Q: Given the Knowledge Graph above, and the nature of relations defined in the TBox section, present all siblings (denoted by their Wikidata identifiers, as presented in the ABox section of the dataset) in a markdown formatted table comprising Name and Wikidata ID and DBpedia ID columns -- represented using Markdown in a code-block that includes ## Markdown Start ## and ## Markdown End ## A: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Prince William | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q36812 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_William_of_Wales | | Prince Harry | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q152316 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Harry_of_Wales | | Queen Elizabeth II | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q9682 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdom | | Princess Margaret | (not provided) | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Margaret,_Countess_of_Snowdon | | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | | Peter Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q344908 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Peter_Phillips | | Zara Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q147663 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zara_Phillips | | Princess Eugenie | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165709 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Eugenie_of_York | | Princess Beatrice | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165657 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Beatrice_of_York | ## Markdown End ## Q: Repeat, but for the entity denoted by . A: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Queen Elizabeth II | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9682 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdom | | Princess Margaret | (not provided) | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Margaret,_Countess_of_Snowdon | ## Markdown End ## **Wrong!!** Q: Sure, bearing in mind the equivalence semantics of owl:sameAs attributes? A: _Apologies for the oversight in considering the owl:sameAs attributes. Here is the requested information formatted as a Markdown table, listing the siblings of the entity denoted by http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 (Prince Charles) with their names, Wikidata IDs, and DBpedia IDs, taking into account the owl:sameAs attributes_: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Queen Elizabeth II | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9682 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdom | | Princess Margaret | (not provided) | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Margaret,_Countess_of_Snowdon | ## Markdown End ## **Wrong!!** Q: Sure? A: _Apologies for my previous responses. I misunderstood your request. Here is the correct information formatted as a Markdown table, listing the siblings of the entity denoted by http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 (Prince Charles) with their names, Wikidata IDs, and DBpedia IDs, taking into account the owl:sameAs attributes_: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | ## Markdown End ## Q: Repeat, but for the nieces of the entity denoted by A: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Princess Beatrice | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165657 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Beatrice_of_York | | Princess Eugenie | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165709 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Eugenie_of_York | | Zara Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q147663 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zara_Phillips | ## Markdown End ## Q: Repeat, but for Aunties -- adding an Aunty Of Column for Nephews or Nieces. A: _Here is the requested information formatted as a Markdown table, listing the aunties of the entity denoted by http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 (Prince Edward) with their names, Wikidata IDs, DBpedia IDs, and the nieces or nephews they are aunties of:_ ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | Auntie Of (Nephews or Nieces) | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie | | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | Zara Phillips | ## Markdown End ## ** Wrong !!*** Q: Sure? A: ** Wrong !!** Q: Repeat, but listing all the royal Uncles A: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | Uncle Of (Nephews or Nieces) | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | Prince William, Prince Harry | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie | | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | ## Markdown End ## ** Wrong !!!** Q: Sure? A: ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | Uncle Of (Nephews or Nieces) | |---------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | Prince William, Prince Harry | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | Prince William, Prince Harry | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | Prince William, Prince Harry | | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex | Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips | ## Markdown End ## ** Wrong !!!** Q: Repeat, but for all Grandchildren of the entity denoted by . A: _Here is the requested information formatted as a Markdown table, listing all the grandchildren of the entity denoted by https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q10633 (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) along with their names, Wikidata IDs, and DBpedia IDs:_ ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------------------|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex| ## Markdown End ## Q: Repeat, but for all the Great Granchildren of the entity denoted by . A: _Here is the requested information formatted as a Markdown table, listing all the great-grandchildren of the entity denoted by https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q10633 (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) along with their names, Wikidata IDs, and DBpedia IDs:_ ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------------------|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Prince William | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q36812 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_William_of_Wales | | Prince Harry | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q152316 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Harry_of_Wales | | Peter Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q344908 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Peter_Phillips | | Zara Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q147663 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zara_Phillips | | Princess Beatrice | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165657 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Beatrice_of_York | | Princess Eugenie | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165709 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Eugenie_of_York | ## Markdown End ## Q: Repeat, but for all the descendants of the entity denoted by . A: _Here is the requested information formatted as a Markdown table, listing all the descendants of the entity denoted by http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q9682 (Queen Elizabeth II) along with their names, Wikidata IDs, and DBpedia IDs:_ ## Markdown Start ## | Name | Wikidata ID | DBpedia ID | |---------------------------------|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Prince Charles | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q43274 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Charles,_Prince_of_Wales | | Princess Anne | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q151754 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Anne,_Princess_Royal | | Prince Andrew | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q153330 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York | | Prince Edward | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q154920 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex| | Prince William | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q36812 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_William_of_Wales | | Prince Harry | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q152316 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_Harry_of_Wales | | Peter Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q344908 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Peter_Phillips | | Zara Phillips | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q147663 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Zara_Phillips | | Princess Beatrice | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165657 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Beatrice_of_York | | Princess Eugenie | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q165709 | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Princess_Eugenie_of_York | ## Markdown End ## ## Nanotation Effects Screenshots _RDF Turtle Statements_ ![osds-royals-nanotation-1|643x500](https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/Linked%20Data%20Documents/Playground/gptChat/images/osds-royals-nanotation-1.png) _Markdown Table_ ![osds-royals-nanotation-2|645x500](https://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/Linked%20Data%20Documents/Playground/gptChat/images/osds-royals-nanotation-2.png) # Final Comments Inference couldn't accurately determine who was the uncle of whom, when query was based on Wikidata identifiers. # Conclusion CHAT-GPT is primarily useful to operators that are knowledgeable in the subject-matter domain being operated on. Basically, it will dangerously mislead anyone seeking an all-answering oracle for a vacuous mind!