Q: Given the following dataset, listed hyperlinks denoting each clip. ## JSON-LD Start ## { "duration": "PT7M25S", "uploadDate": "2022-04-13T00:00:00", "hasPart": [ { "endOffset": 39, "startOffset": 7, "name": "Intro", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=7", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 60, "startOffset": 40, "name": "Editing a Karaoke Scene", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=40", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 102, "startOffset": 61, "name": "Frame.io Notes tool & import notes to Premiere Pro", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=61", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 146, "startOffset": 103, "name": "Transitioning to action scene", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=103", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 324, "startOffset": 147, "name": "Speed ramping with time remapping keyframes in Premiere Pro", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=147", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 407, "startOffset": 325, "name": "Edit split screen & using temp effects", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=325", "@type": "Clip" }, { "endOffset": 425, "startOffset": 408, "name": "Outro", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=408", "@type": "Clip" } ], "name": "Editing 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' with Adobe Premiere Pro | Behind the Scenes", "description": "Use Adobe Premiere Pro, the industry-leading video editor. Edit visually stunning videos and create professional productions for social sharing, TV, and film.", "thumbnailUrl": "/content/dam/cc/us/en/creativecloud/video/customer-stories/EEAAO_JJ_Full.jpg", "@type": "VideoObject", "@context": "https://schema.org" } ## JSON-LD End ## A: The provided dataset represents a video titled "Editing 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' with Adobe Premiere Pro | Behind the Scenes." The video has a total duration of 7 minutes and 25 seconds and was uploaded on April 13, 2022. The video is described as a tutorial on using Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing and creating professional productions. It includes several clips or segments, each with its own name, start and end offsets, and a URL to access that specific clip. Below are the details of each clip: Intro Start Offset: 7 seconds End Offset: 39 seconds Duration: 32 seconds URL: Intro Clip Editing a Karaoke Scene Start Offset: 40 seconds End Offset: 60 seconds Duration: 20 seconds URL: Editing a Karaoke Scene Clip Frame.io Notes tool & import notes to Premiere Pro Start Offset: 61 seconds End Offset: 102 seconds Duration: 41 seconds URL: Frame.io Notes tool & import notes to Premiere Pro Clip Transitioning to action scene Start Offset: 103 seconds End Offset: 146 seconds Duration: 43 seconds URL: Transitioning to action scene Clip Speed ramping with time remapping keyframes in Premiere Pro Start Offset: 147 seconds End Offset: 324 seconds Duration: 177 seconds URL: Speed ramping with time remapping keyframes in Premiere Pro Clip Edit split screen & using temp effects Start Offset: 325 seconds End Offset: 407 seconds Duration: 82 seconds URL: Edit split screen & using temp effects Clip Outro Start Offset: 408 seconds End Offset: 425 seconds Duration: 17 seconds URL: Outro Clip In summary, the video contains seven clips, each covering different aspects of video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro. The clips range in duration from 17 seconds to 177 seconds and cover topics such as editing karaoke scenes, using Frame.io notes, transitioning to action scenes, speed ramping, and editing split screens. Is there a specific clip you'd like more information about, or do you have any other questions related to this video? Q: Redo, presenting result in a table using Markdown presented in a code-block comprising `## Markdown Start ##` and `## Markdown End ##` A: ## Markdown Start ## | # | Clip Name | Start Offset (s) | End Offset (s) | Duration (s) | URL | |----|--------------------------------------------------------------|------------------|----------------|--------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | Intro | 7 | 39 | 32 | [Intro Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=7) | | 2 | Editing a Karaoke Scene | 40 | 60 | 20 | [Karaoke Scene Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=40) | | 3 | Frame.io Notes tool & import notes to Premiere Pro | 61 | 102 | 41 | [Frame.io Notes Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=61) | | 4 | Transitioning to action scene | 103 | 146 | 43 | [Action Scene Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=103) | | 5 | Speed ramping with time remapping keyframes in Premiere Pro | 147 | 324 | 177 | [Speed Ramping Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=147) | | 6 | Edit split screen & using temp effects | 325 | 407 | 82 | [Split Screen Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=325) | | 7 | Outro | 408 | 425 | 17 | [Outro Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TfH_xBNyY&t=408) | ## Markdown End ##