## Classifying Data Using Turtle Notation ## # Document Metadata <> ; "My Glossary of Terms" ; """Covers the definition of a variety of terms associated with realm of Data, Networks, and Cloud abstractions.""" ; "2014-01-03"^^ ; "2014-01-05"^^ ; ; <#Data>,<#StructuredData>,<#BigData>, <#OpenData>,<#LinkedData>,<#LinkedOpenData>,<#LODCloud>, <#SmartData>,<#SemanticWeb>, <#this>, . #Associating the creator (author) of this document with his profile document. , ; ; , . <#this> ; "My Simple Data Related Terms Concept Scheme"; """Glossary covering the definition of a variety of terms associated with realm of Data, Networks, and Cloud abstractions.""" . <#Data> ; <#this> ; "Data" ; <#hashTag> "#Data" ; """Term that refers to entity relationship observation represented in reusable form using a combination of signs, syntax, and statements i.e., a language.""" . <#StructuredData> ; <#this> ; "Structured Data" ; <#hashTag> "#StructuredData" ; """Data represented in machine & human readable (or comprehensible) form.""" ; """Data represented in machine & human readable (or comprehensible) form, using an open standard.""" ; <#Data> . <#BigData> ; <#this> ; "Big Data" ; <#hashTag> "#BigData" ; """Data that's disparately located, varied in structure, voluminous, and rapidly changing.""" ; """Data (structured or unstructured) that's heterogeneously shaped, disparately located, voluminous, and rapidly changing e.g., The World Wide Web and the many Data Spaces (e.g., feed based Social Networks) it exposes. Same applies to the burgeoning Internet of Things which is all about sensory data produced by devices. """ ; ; <#Data> . <#OpenData> ; <#this> ; "Open Data" ; <#hashTag> "#OpenData" ; """Standards based Structured Data.""" ; """Standards based Structured Data Representation. The use of Standards makes the Structured Data reusable across many systems, applications, and platforms.""" ; <#Data>,<#StructuredData> . <#LinkedData> ; <#this> ; "Linked Data" ; <#hashTag> "#LinkedData" ; ; """Web-Like or Webby Structured Data """ ; """Structured Data Representation enhanced through the use of Hyperlinks (e.g., HTTP URIs) as a mechanism for turning entity names into terms i.e., names that are implicity mapped to referent description documents. Net effect, the resulting Structured Data is Web-like (or Webby). """ ; <#Data>, <#StructuredData>, <#OpenData> ; ; , . <#LinkedOpenData> ; <#this> ; "Linked Open Data (LOD)" ; <#hashTag> "#LOD" ; ; """Open & Webby Structured Data""" ; """Structured Data Representation enhanced through the collective use of Open Standards such as HTTP URI based HyperLinks as a mechanism for turning names into terms that are implicitly mapped to referent description documents; RDF for modelling and describing entity relationships; and SPARQL for general data querying and term to description mapping. """ ; ; <#Data>, <#StructuredData>, <#OpenData>, <#LinkedData> . <#LODCloud> ; <#this> ; "Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud" ; <#hashTag> "#LODCloud" ; """Open & Webby Structured Data Cloud on the Web."""; """A collection of Open Data and Linked Data resources published to the World Wide Web.""" ; ; , ; <#WorldWideWeb> . <#SmartData> ; <#this> ; "Smart Data" ; <#hashTag> "#SmartData" ; """Structured Data + Machine Readable Relations Semantics."""; """Structured Data Representation endowed with machine- and human-comprehensible entity relationship semantics. Basically, the meaning of a relationship between two entities is understandable by machines and humans e.g., 'USA' and 'United States of America' name (denote) the same entity (thing).""" ; <#Data>, <#StructuredData> . <#WorldWideWeb> ; <#this> ; "World Wide Web" ; <#hashTag> "#Web" ; ; , ; """Web of Linked Documents."""; """Globally accessible abstraction layer atop the Internet cloud comprised of a network (or cloud) of Linked Documents. The predominant document format is HTML.""" ; ; <#abstractonOf> <#Internet>. <#SemanticWeb> ; <#this> ; "Semantic Web" ; <#hashTag> "#SemanticWeb" ; ; """Semantically Enhanced Linked Data Network (Cloud)."""; """Webby (or Web-like) Structured Data that's endowed with machine- and human-comprehensible entity relationship semantics. Basically, the meaning of a relationshipo between two entities is understandable by machines and humans e.g., <#SemanticWeb>, , , , and all refer to (name or denote) the same entity (thing).""" ; , , , ; <#abstractionOf> <#LinkedOpenData> . ## Description of a YouTube presentation by @Danbri ; ; "@danbri presentation about the Web of Linked Open Data"; "World Wide Web 20th Anniversary Celebration Presentation by Dan Brickley"; ; <#LinkedData>, <#WorldWideWeb>, <#SemanticWeb>, <#LinkedOpenData>, <#LODCloud> ; <#hashTag> "#WebHistory", "#LinkedData", "#Web", "#LOD", "#SemanticWeb", "#OpenData" . ## To be continued .... ##