I used to be in the social network business as founder and CEO of Electric Communities. The thing I liked least about the business is the endless whining that you get from self-selected free-loading pillars of the community whose deep sense of entitlement demands to be heard. For example:
Facebook's longstanding demand that its users should only have one identity is either a toweringly arrogant willingness to harm people's social experience in service to doctrine; or it is a miniature figleaf covering a huge, throbbing passion for making it easier to sell our identities to advertisers.
What do you expect for free? It is silly to expect a single site to serve all needs for all people. If it doesn't work for you, click away and go somewhere else. Or if you believe you are right about the enormity of the opportunity, then start your own site. Show them how it's done and put them out of business.
But enough of the whining already.
Heaven forbid that "entitled" users should complain about a policy they don't like. After all, why would a company want to give users what they want? And if the company continues in a policy that's harmful to "entittled" people like abuse survivors, transgender people, folks with medical conditions, teachers, psychologists, etc. etc., heaven forbid that we should actively work to change their mind. Aug 31, 2011 Aug 31, 2011