Error 42S22

SQ063: No column domain_id.
while executing the following statement:
#line 299 "/DAV/VAD/AddressBook/www/export.vspx-sql"
create method vc_render_page_5dd66acca150d63c396ec74d57aead73VAD_AddressBook_www_export_vspx (inout control vspx_page) for "DB"."dba".page_5dd66acca150d63c396ec74d57aead73VAD_AddressBook_www_export_vspx
  declare path, params, lines any;
  declare hdr, page_state varchar;
  path := self.vc_event.ve_path;
  params := self.vc_event.ve_params;
  lines := self.vc_event.ve_lines;
  hdr := http_header_get ();
  declare hdr_add varchar;
  hdr_add := 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: -1;\r\n';
  if (strcasestr (http_request_header (lines, 'User-Agent', NULL, ''), 'MSIE') is not null)
    hdr_add := 'Cache-Control: Public\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: -1;\r\n';
  if (hdr is null)
    http_header (hdr_add);
  else if (strcasestr (hdr, 'Cache-Control:') is null)
      hdr := concat (hdr, hdr_add);
      http_header (hdr);
  page_state := self.vc_view_state;
  self.vc_view_state := DB.DBA.vspx_do_compact (page_state);
   ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<!-- -->






      declare data, sql, sqlParams, state, msg, meta, rows, maxRows any;

      set http_charset = 'UTF-8';
      http_rewrite ();
      http_request_status ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');

      self.domain_id := AB.WA.session_domain (params);
      self.account_id := ODS.UTILS.domain_owner_id (self.domain_id);

      if (self.v_mode = 'opensearchdescription')
        http_header ('Content-Type: text/xml\r\n');

        http (         '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n');
        http (         '<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">');
        http (sprintf ('<Url type="text/html" template="%Vsearch.vspx?mode=opensearch&amp;q={searchTerms}&amp;cnt={count}&amp;page={startPage}" />', AB.WA.ab_url (self.domain_id)));
        http (sprintf ('<ShortName>%V</ShortName>', ODS.UTILS.domain_name (self.domain_id)));
        http (sprintf ('<LongName>%V</LongName>', ODS.UTILS.domain_description (self.domain_id)));
        http (sprintf ('<Description>About: %V</Description>', ODS.UTILS.domain_description (self.domain_id)));
        http (         '<Tags>contacts</Tags>');
        http (sprintf ('<Image height="16" width="16" type="image/png">%V/ods/images/icons/ods_ab_16.png</Image>', ODS.UTILS.host_url ()));
        http (sprintf ('<Developer>%V</Developer>', ODS.UTILS.account_name (self.account_id)));
        http (sprintf ('<Contact>%V</Contact>', ODS.UTILS.account_mail (self.account_id)));
        http (sprintf ('<Attribution>%V</Attribution>', (select top 1 WS_COPYRIGHT from WA_SETTINGS)));
        http (         '<SyndicationRight>open</SyndicationRight>');
        http (         '<AdultContent>false</AdultContent>');
        http (         '</OpenSearchDescription>');
      else if (self.v_output in ('rss', 'rdf', 'atom03', 'atom10'))
        ODS.UTILS.xml_set ('keywords', data, self.v_keywords);
        ODS.UTILS.xml_set ('expression', data, self.v_expression);
        ODS.UTILS.xml_set ('tags', data, self.v_tags);
        ODS.UTILS.xml_set ('MyContacts', data, self.v_own);
        ODS.UTILS.xml_set ('MySharedContacts', data, self.v_shared);

        state := '00000';
        sqlParams := vector();
        sql := AB.WA.search_sql (self.domain_id, self.account_id, 'R', data);
        exec(sql, state, msg, sqlParams, 0, meta, rows);
        if (state <> '00000')
          goto _error;

        declare _header, _links varchar;

        _header := case when (self.v_output like '%atom%') then 'Content-Type: application/atom+xml\r\n' else 'Content-Type: text/xml\r\n' end;
        _links := ODS..PSH_HEADER_LINKS (self.domain_id);
        if (length (_links))
          _header := _header || sprintf ('Link: %s\r\n', _links);
        http_header (_header);

        http ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n');
        http ('<rss version="2.0">\n');
        http ('<channel>\n');
        for (select U_NAME, U_FULL_NAME, U_E_MAIL from DB.DBA.SYS_USERS where U_ID = self.account_id) do
          http ('<title>');
            http_value (ODS.UTILS.utf2wide (ODS.UTILS.domain_name (self.domain_id)));
          http ('</title>\n');
          http ('<description>');
            http_value (ODS.UTILS.utf2wide (ODS.UTILS.domain_description (self.domain_id)));
          http ('</description>\n');
          http ('<managingEditor>');
            http_value (U_FULL_NAME || ' <' || U_E_MAIL || '>');
          http ('</managingEditor>\n');
          http ('<pubDate>');
            http_value (ODS.UTILS.dt_rfc1123 (now()));
          http ('</pubDate>\n');
          http ('<generator>');
            http_value ('Virtuoso Universal Server ' || sys_stat('st_dbms_ver'));
          http ('</generator>\n');
          http ('<webMaster>');
            http_value (U_E_MAIL);
          http ('</webMaster>\n');
          http ('<link>');
            http_value (AB.WA.ab_url (self.domain_id));
          http ('</link>\n');
          if (self.v_output like '%atom%')
            _links := ODS..PSH_ATOM_LINKS (self.domain_id);
            if (length (_links))
              http (_links);
        foreach (any row in rows) do
          http ('<item>\n');
            http ('<title>');
              http_value (ODS.UTILS.utf2wide (row[2]));
            http ('</title>\n');
            http ('<description>');
              http_value (ODS.UTILS.utf2wide (AB.WA.contact_field (row[0], 'P_FULL_NAME')));
            http ('</description>\n');
            http ('<link>');
              http_value (AB.WA.contact_url (self.domain_id, row[0]));
            http ('</link>\n');
            http ('<guid>');
              http_value (row[2]);
            http ('</guid>\n');
            http ('<pubDate>');
              http_value (ODS.UTILS.dt_rfc1123 (row[5]));
            http ('</pubDate>\n');
            for (select TV_TAG from AB..TAGS_VIEW where tags = row[3]) do
              http ('<category>');
                http_value (TV_TAG);
              http ('</category>\n');
            if (self.v_output <> 'rss')
              http ('<ods:modified xmlns:ods="">');
                http_value (ODS.UTILS.dt_iso8601 (row[5]));
              http ('</ods:modified>\n');
          http ('</item>\n');
        http ('</channel>\n');
        http ('</rss>');

        if (self.v_output = 'atom03')
          http_xslt (AB.WA.xslt_full ('rss2atom03.xsl'));

        else if (self.v_output = 'atom10')
          http_xslt (AB.WA.xslt_full ('rss2atom.xsl'));

        else if (self.v_output = 'rdf')
          http_xslt (AB.WA.xslt_full ('rss2rdf.xsl'));
      else if (self.v_output in ('vcard'))
        http (AB.WA.export_vcard (domain_id));

      http('<?xml version="1.0" ?><empty />');


  if (length (self.sid))
      declare vars any;
      vars := connection_vars ();
      if (connection_is_dirty ())
          update VSPX_SESSION set VS_STATE = serialize (vars) where VS_SID = self.sid and VS_REALM = self.realm;


        __01 => '42S22',
        __02 => 'SQ063: No column domain_id.
while executing the following statement:
#line 299 "/DAV/VAD/AddressBook' (truncated),
  vspx_dbname => 'DB',
   vspx_user => 'dba',
  resource_name => '/DAV/VAD/AddressBook/www/export.vspx',
    sql_name => '/DAV/VAD/AddressBook/www/export.vspx-sql',
        __01 => '42S22',
        __02 => 'SQ063: No column domain_id.
while executing the following statement:
#line 299 "/DAV/VAD/AddressBook' (truncated),
  resource_name => '/DAV/VAD/AddressBook/www/export.vspx',
        path => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193),
      params => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193),
       lines => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193),
  class_name => 'page_5dd66acca150d63c396ec74d57aead73VAD_AddressBook_www_export_vspx',
  compile_only => 0,
  vspx_dbname => 'DB',
   vspx_user => 'dba',
        path => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193),
      params => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193),
       lines => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193)